This course gives the student the opportunity to apply a scientific approach while independently and critically formulating and solving problems in Informatics.
For admission, courses comprising at least 90 credits of Informatics with successive specialization, including 15 credits of independent work, are required. Among completed courses, at least 7.5 credits must include studies in scientific method in Informatics or Social Sciences. In addition, at least 30 credits of Informatics courses at the advanced level corresponding to the courses Management Information Systems, 15 credits and Business Analytics and Organizational Change, 15 credits or the courses Human-Computer Interaction and User Experience, 15 credits and Prototyping Interaction, 15 credits are required. Also, English B/6 is required.
Application deadline was
15 October 2024.
The application period is closed.
Application and tuition fees
As a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you are required to pay application and tuition fees for studies at Umeå University.