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History of Religion: Master Course

  • Number of credits 15 credits

About the course

The course deals with theory, method, and research within the history of religions. This means, among other things, that the course includes an in-depth study of the concept of religion and other concepts pertaining to the field, the research history of the subject, source-critical problems, ritual studies, and some contemporary theories of history of religions. The course consists of two parts. 

Module 1: Theory and method of history of religions (7.5 credits). Within the framework of this part, central theories, and methods within the field of history of religions are treated, both historically and today. This includes, among other things, the history and use of the concept of religion, comparison as a method and contemporary theories of ritual and religion. The module also deals with methods within history of religions.

Module 2: Current research (7.5 credits). Within the framework of this part, the student, in consultation with the examiner, chooses an in-depth study in a research area within the history of religions.

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