The purpose of the course is to further develop knowledge and skills related to central GIS tasks: collection, management and updating of spatial data. Using ESRI:s geodatabase format as platform, the course addresses different GIS and CAD formats, metadata, coordinate systems/projections, the query language SQL as well as topological relations and rules.
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Univ: 120 ECTS, 60 ECTS of which in a major field of subject, including 15 ECTS in Geographical Information Systems (GIS).Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6
Entry requirementsUniv: 120 ECTS, 60 ECTS of which in a major field of subject, including 15 ECTS in Geographical Information Systems (GIS).Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6
Entry requirementsUniv: 120 ECTS, 60 ECTS of which in a major field of subject, including 15 ECTS in Geographical Information Systems (GIS).Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6
Entry requirements