In this course, you will learn about words and metaphors for emotions, both from a contemporary and a historical perspective. You will learn what kind of information we can gather about words for emotions, and what words for emotions tell us about those emotions. Metaphors for emotions are another important source of information about emotions because metaphors help us to talk about abstract concepts. Changes in the meanings of words for emotions and in the metaphors of emotions over time tell us how emotion concepts have developed; albeit one might be tempted to think so, emotion concepts are not static.
English Words and Metaphors for Emotions, 7.5 credits
Autumn Term 2025
1 September 2025
18 January 2026
Study location
Type of studies
Number of mandatory meetings
No mandatory meetings.
Number of other meetings
Outline for distance course
All communication is via the course learning platform. Two obligatory seminars are conducted at specific times via video conferencing tools. More information can be found in the “welcome letter”.
Access to a computer with broadband internet connection is required for participating in and completing the course tasks. For information on technical requirements, see “Technical Requirements for Online Courses”
Required Knowledge
Gy: Knowledge of English equivalent of English 6/English Course B. Univ: At least 90 ECTS including at least 15 ECTS with academic progression (corresponding to level 61-90 hp in the Swedish academic system) in English, or equivalent knowledge.
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