Swedish name: Utbildningspolicy i nationell och internationell kontext
This syllabus is valid: 2024-01-01 and until further notice
Course code: 6PE263
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Educational Professions: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Applied Educational Science
Established by: Head of Department of Applied Educational Science, 2017-06-15
Revised by: Head of Department of Applied Educational Science, 2023-05-10
The course provides a critical introduction to and analysis of education policy. It offers an overview of debates around policy at the level of international organizations, but also at the national level. It examines the relationships between policy contexts, processes and outcomes, and illustrates these through specific examples of policies in Europe and Sweden. The course presents and analyses research on policy and reflects on the connections between education policy and school practice. In particular, the course is structured around the following: understanding policy in education, how it is implemented and received in schools; what are the values that policies represent and how these values are mediated in the contexts of education institutions, and, what does policy and research on policy mean for teachers and students. The course will use case studies to explore these themes, drawing on research in the fields of:
The case studies will have both Swedish, international comparative elements.
By the end of the course students will be able to:
Knowledge and understanding
Skills and abilities
Values and critical approach
Prior university studies of 90 credits. English for basic required knowledge for university studies.
The main forms of instruction are lectures and seminars. The course will also include guided individual work and student presentations. The course has mandatory parts that demands physical presence at campus, see further in the course schedule and study guide.
All teaching will be in English.
Physical presence in mandatory parts is demanded for passed result on the course if not otherwise written in current schedule and study guide. There will be two forms of assessment in the course.
In order to be awarded a Pass grade for the course, it is required that both forms of assessment are passed. Possible grades are Passed with distinction, Passed, or Failed.
The course work is examined at the ordinary examination or re-examined at a later occasion during the same semester. An opportunity to re-examine the course work is normally given in the following semester provided the student has requested it. After that a student with a fail is advised to participate in the next ordinary examination.
A student has the right to change examiner for a course based on a written request to the head of department after two fails on the same course or a part of the course.
Transfer of credits
Students have the right to apply for transfer of credits from earlier higher education or occupational experience. For more information, see the Higher Education Ordinance and: http://www.student.umu.se/english/getting-your-degree/transfer-of-credits/
A negative decision about transfer of credits is possible to appeal to Överklagandenämnden för högskolan:
A negative decision shall be motivated in writing.
For more information, take contact with Student Services.
Cannot be studied in combination with 2PE142 Education Policy and Practice in International Perspectives, 7.5 Credits or 6PE239 Education Policy and Practice in International Perspectives, 7.5 Credits.
Re-examinations based on the same curriculum are guaranteed within the two years of the first registration on the course.
The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.