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Education Policy and Practice in International Perspectives

  • Number of credits 7.5 credits

About the course

The course provides an introduction to education policy in Europe and Sweden and gives the students opportunity to reflect on the connections between education policy and school practice.

The course is structured around the following themes:

  • Understanding policy in education, how it is implemented and received in schools
  • What are the values that policies represent and how these values are mediated in the contexts of education institutions
  • What does policy and research on policy mean for teachers and students

The course will use case studies to explore these themes, drawing on research in the fields of:

  • Teacher education and inclusion
  • School marketization and privatization
  • Changing education governance in the European Union, and the role of international organizations in education policy

The course is aimed at anyone who is interested in educational policy issues.
The course is given in English as a campus course.

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