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Contemporary Marketing

  • Number of credits 7.5 credits

About the course

The course on contemporary marketing addresses marketing at the fundamental level with a special focus on international aspects. In the course, central concepts, theories, models and perspectives within marketing are described, discussed and analyzed, as well as how they can be applied in practice. The course provides an understanding of how different parts of marketing are related to each other and how they form a whole in the marketing process. In a changing environment, companies and organizations must work to reach out to their market in a way that is both contemporary and sustainable. The course is based on a market-oriented approach with a focus on how companies and organizations create value together with customers and other stakeholders. The content of the course provides the opportunity to develop an understanding of marketing from a sustainability and societal perspective as well as to develop a critically reflective approach to marketing.

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Contactperson for the course is:
Study Advisor Business Administration