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Cell Biology

  • Number of credits 15 credits

About the course

The course consists of three modules:
Module 1. Theory, 8 ECTS. 

The module comprises comprehensive theoretical knowledge of the most central parts of modern Molecular Cell Biology.

Module 2. Practical Professional Training (PPT) - Working life and career, 2 ECTS.
The module comprises oral presentations of mini-case and study questions, training in problem solving and poster presentations, as well as training in defining and describing projects as a working method.

Module 3. Laborations, 5 ECTS.
The module is meant as an application of the theoretical content and includes the compilation of a scientific report. The experimental exercises comprise work with model systems and methodology for studies in Cell Biology. A common theme is that the student gets training in individual planning and analysis of the results from experiments. In addition, emphasis is placed on the compilation of individual laboratory reports, which will be presented in the same format as a scientific article. During the laboratory sessions, students are also trained in keeping records of current protocols and results. These journals are individual and compulsory and must be submitted to the course assistants for approval during the last week of the course.

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