Swedish name: Kapitalism, klimat och kriser: Historiska perspektiv på miljö och ekonomisk utveckling
This syllabus is valid: 2023-09-11 and until further notice
Course code: 2EH054
Credit points: 7.5
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Economic History: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Economic History
Established by: Head of Department of Economic History, 2023-09-08
The course deals with long-term relationships between economic transformation, climate change and other environmental issues, with the aim of providing an understanding of the historical economic-political context of the climate crisis since the 18th century. The course therefore focuses on the interplay between technological change, energy transformations, climate, and environmental policy, as well as the emergence of environmental and sustainability concepts after 1945. The course addresses theoretical formations in environmental economics, ecological economics, and political economy, and how elements from these theoretical frameworks have been used in economic-historical research. The course ends with the student analyzing and evaluating today's climate policy based on historical perspectives.
After completing the course, the students have achieved:
In-depth knowledge and understanding
* In-depth knowledge and understanding of historical relationships between economic and environmental transformation, with specific focus on climate change.
* Knowledge and understanding of the emergence of environmentally related economic theories and the evolution of political and economic strategies addressing sustainability problems.
In-depth skill and ability
* Ability to apply theoretical and empirical knowledge in order to critically analyze long-term economic change in relation to climate change and other aspects of sustainability.
Evaluation ability and approach
* Being able to independently evaluate today's sustainability issues based on relevant historical and theoretical knowledge
90 ECTS including a bachelor thesis equivalent to 15 ECTS credits. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English A/6.
The teaching is campus-based and combines lectures and seminars. The language of instruction is English. The teaching is supported via the university's electronic learning platforms where instructions are published. The studies are characterized by a high degree of independence, critical reflection, and active search for knowledge. The course offers opportunities for group discussion.
Examinations are conducted in the form of individually written reports which are presented and discussed at mandatory seminars. For students who have not passed the regular examination, an additional examination opportunity is arranged in close connection with this. When grading, a three-point scale is applied: pass, pass with distinction, or fail. All examinations included in the course must be completed before grades are obtained. If there are special reasons, the examiner has the right to decide on another form of examination. Re-examination and other examinations based on the same syllabus as the regular examination is guaranteed for two years after the student's first registration for the course. After two failed re-examinations for a certain course or part of a course, the student has the right to change examiner at a written request to the head of department.
The course can be part of a master's degree in economic history. For foreign students or for students who so wish, grades are given in accordance with ECTS through a special certificate. Students have the right to apply to have a previous education or experience evaluated for transfer of credits. For more information, see: https://www.umu.se/en/education/study-system/ and the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 6). The application for credit is sent to the Student Center/Examina. A rejection of an application for credit can be appealed (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 12) to the Board of Appeal for Higher Education. This applies both if the entire and parts of the application for credit are rejected.
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Liberal Environmentalism and Global Environmental Governance
Global Environmental Politics, Vol 2. no 3 : 2022 :
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