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Brain Imaging

  • Number of credits 7.5 credits
  • Level Master’s level
  • Starting Autumn Term 2024

About the course

The course treats functional brain imaging, with a specific focus on fMRI (functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging), from a theoretical and practical perspective.

Expected learning outcomes
Students who successfully complete this course will:
- Have cursory knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of various brain imaging methods
- Be able to account for the physical and physiological basis of fMRI measurements.
- Be able to account for how fMRI data are prepared for analyses, and describe different ways to analyze fMRI data
- Be able to account for different ways to design an fMRI experiment in relation to various questions on brain function
- Have cursory knowledge of in what way structural brain imaging can inform questions on brain function
- Have cursory knowledge of how integration of various forms of brain imaging data can inform questions on brain function

Focus of instruction
The course is conducted on part time basis (50 %). To facilitate distance learning, teaching will be organized around 3-4 occasions (each occasion can include several lectures, seminars, etc, placed on more than one day) in the form of lectures, seminars, projects, and laboratory exercises. In between these occasions, the student is expected to, beyond personal studies, work on projects, compile the literature in an examining paper, and prepare for seminars. Teaching will be in Swedish or English.

Application and eligibility

Brain Imaging, 7.5 credits

Det finns inga tidigare terminer för kursen Autumn Term 2024 Visa tillfällen för efterkommande termin


1 November 2024


19 January 2025

Study location



English (upon request)

Type of studies

Daytime, 50%

Required Knowledge

Admitted to the Masters program in cognitive science or 90 ECTS whereof at least 15 ECTS in cognitive neuroscience, and proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.


Academic credits Applicants in some programs at Umeå University have guaranteed admission to this course. The number of places for a single course may therefore be limited.

Application code



Application deadline was 15 April 2024. The application period is closed.

Application and tuition fees

As a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you are required to pay application and tuition fees for studies at Umeå University.

Application fee

SEK 900

Tuition fee, first instalment

SEK 22,013

Total fee

SEK 22,013

Contact us

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Course is given by
Dept of Integrative Medical Biology
Contactperson for the course is:
Sara Pudas