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Biophysical Chemistry with Applications in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

  • Number of credits 7.5 credits
  • Level Master’s level
  • Study form Web-based (online)
  • Starting Autumn Term 2025

About the course

The course is divided into two parts: Theory (5.5 credits) and lab (2 credits).
The course covers the following areas:
* Thermodynamics and chemical equilibrium, with a focus on pH, and the role of these for drug solubility in various media.
* Liquids and solutions: diffusion, viscosity, electrolyte solutions and colligative properties.
* Physical theories of mixtures and phase diagrams for two and three component systems. Gibbs phase rule.
* Polymers and physical properties of proteins. General characteristics, stability, good and less good solvents.
* Intermolecular interactions (electrostatic, induced, dispersion and hydrogen bonding) and hydrophobic effect with examples of protein-ligand interactions.
* Reaction and transport kinetics (reaction rate, reaction order, diffusion, temperature dependence) with application to dissolution and diffusion through membranes.
* Surface and Colloid Chemistry: colloid systems, wetting of surfaces, surface tension, surface activity, micelles, bilayers, colloidal forces and the DLVO theory.

The course will be given in english if foreign studens participate.

Application and eligibility

This course contains occasions that are included in a degree programme at Umeå university and applies only to those of you who are admitted to the programme. You will receive information about application times and what applies to you from your institution.

Biophysical Chemistry with Applications in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 7.5 credits

Visa tillfällen för föregående termin Autumn Term 2025 Det finns inga senare terminer för kursen

Offered as part of a degree programme


3 November 2025


18 January 2026

Study location



English (upon request)

Type of studies

Daytime, 50%, Distance

Number of mandatory meetings

2 st

Required Knowledge

For admission to the course a bachelor degree in pharmacy, including 90 ECTS pharmaceutics and pharmaceutical chemistry 30 ECTS, or 180 ECTS pharmacy degree or equivalent, are required.
The eligibility requirements are also met by a bachelor's degree in chemistry with at least 90 credits in chemistry including at least 30 credits pharmaceutical chemistry or equivalent.
Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English 6/B. Where the language of instruction is Swedish, applicants must prove proficiency in Swedish to the level required for basic eligibility for higher studies.
(Paper-based Test) with a minimum total score of 530 and a minimum TWE score of 4. TOEFL iBT (Internet-based Test) with a minimum total score of 72 and a minimum score of 17 on the Writing Section).


Apply by logging in to Universityadmissions.se. Then follow the instructions.

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