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Biochemistry - Protein Chemistry and Enzyme Kinetics

  • Number of credits 15 credits
  • Level Bachelor's level
  • Starting Autumn Term 2024

About the course

The main aim of the study course is to give the student knowledge of the structure and function of proteins. This involves a thorough understanding of how amino acids are connected and forms a defined structural domain with specific properties as well as to understand how this structure is stabilized. The course also aims to give the basic theory modern protein separation methods and to give necessary knowledge in experimental protein chemistry in order to analyze structural and functional properties of proteins. The practical part of the course include, beside practical skill, practice in independent and strategic planning of the experimental work as well as to interpret and present obtained results orally and in writing.

The course will be given in english if foreign students participate.

Application and eligibility

This course contains occasions that are included in a degree programme at Umeå university and applies only to those of you who are admitted to the programme. You will receive information about application times and what applies to you from your institution.

Biochemistry - Protein Chemistry and Enzyme Kinetics, 15 credits

Det finns inga tidigare terminer för kursen Autumn Term 2024 Visa tillfällen för efterkommande termin

Offered as part of a degree programme


2 September 2024


31 October 2024

Study location




Type of studies

Daytime, 100%

Required Knowledge

English proficiency equivalent to IELTS Academic Training –minimum score 5.0 with no individual score below 4.5 (Tests taken before January 2005 not admissible or TOEFL – minimum score 500 on paper based test and not below 4.0 on the TWE, Alternatively 173 on computer based test with iBT61 is also required as well as basic entrance requirements for higher studies in Swedish language proficiency if the course in taught in Swedish.

Entry requirements


Apply by logging in to Universityadmissions.se. Then follow the instructions.

Contact us

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Course is given by
Department of chemistry
Contactperson for the course is:
Johanna Nilsson