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Basic and Molecular Genetics

  • Number of credits 15 credits
  • Level Bachelor's level
  • Starting Autumn Term 2025

About the course

The course consists of three modules:
Module 1. Theory, 7.5 ECTS. 
The module deals with the structure, function and organization of genetic material in eukaryotes as well as differences compared to prokaryotes. Methods for determining the relative positions of genes in the genome are explained and different patterns of inheritance of hereditary characteristics are described. The module focusses on transmission genetics, gene and genome structure, stability and variability, molecular methods, bioinformatics, genetic model systems, genetic control of life processes and factors and processes affecting the genetic composition in a population.

Module 2. Laborations, 6.5 ECTS. 
The module will provide training in genetic and molecular genetic work methodology. 

Module 3. Practical Professional Training (PPT) - Working life and career, 1 ECTS. 
The module will address both marketing and ethical consequences of genetical applications.

Application and eligibility

Basic and Molecular Genetics, 15 credits

Visa tillfällen för föregående termin Autumn Term 2025 Det finns inga senare terminer för kursen

Offered as part of a degree programme


3 November 2025


18 January 2026

Study location




Type of studies

Daytime, 100%

Required Knowledge

20 ECTS in Chemistry, including at least 5 ECTS in Biochemistry, or alternatively, 20 ECTS from a combination of  courses in Chemistry and Physics and/or Mathematics, including at least 5 ECTS in Biochemistry; 10 ECTS from completed courses in Biology, containing Molecular Biology.

Entry requirements


Apply by logging in to Universityadmissions.se. Then follow the instructions.

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