Revised by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2025-03-07
The course deals with organic chemicals in the environment and the risks they entail for organisms in the environment and for human health. It covers biotic and abiotic processes, persistence, bioavailability, fate and transport processes as well as metabolism with a focus on evaluating exposure to animals and humans. The course introduces methodologies to evaluate environmental and health effects as well as concepts such as "exposome", "adverse outcome pathways" and non-animal testing methods. Relevant chemicals legislation is introduced together with the concept of sustainable chemical use as well as processes for substitution of chemicals. Risk assessment methods are described and applied in a case study in which a specific chemical or chemical group is risk assessed.
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
explain, evaluate and predict the fate of various organic chemicals in the environment based on their chemical properties,
explain sustainable use and substitution of chemicals,
describe relevant legislation in the area,
apply and evaluate models for assessing environmental and human exposure,
calculate, critically review and interpret data for human and environmental risk assessment of organic chemicals,
independently, in writing and orally as well as within given time frames, explain and critically discuss the risk assessment of organic chemicals on the basis of modern effects and health assessment methods and environmental chemistry principles.
Required Knowledge
90 ECTS credits, of which at least 60 ECTS credits are in the main area of chemistry, 15 ECTS Environmental Chemistry or the equivalent and English B/6.
Form of instruction
Teaching is mainly based on student-active learning methods, which include online lectures, compulsory tests, project work, exercises and self-studies.
Examination modes
he course is examined through individual written assignments, oral examination with seminar and presentation of the case study as well as an individual written assignment of the case study before the seminar. Written individual assignments are assessed Fail (U) or Pass (G). The case study is given assessment Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG) where the oral and written examinations are weighed. For the entire course one of the grades Fail (U), Pass (G) or Pass with Distinction (VG) is given. To pass the course, all examinations must be passed. For VG, the assessment VG is required on the case study and G on the remaining examinations. Those who pass the examinations cannot have a re-exam for a higher grade. A student who has failed two examination opportunities of the course or part of parts of it, is entitled to have another examiner appointed, unless there are special reasons to the contrary (HF Chapter 6. § 22). Requests for a new examiner have to be addressed to the head of the Department of Chemistry.
Departures from the syllabus can be made for a student who has an approval on educational support due to a disability. Individual adaptation of the examination form must be considered based on the student's needs. The form of examination is adapted within the framework of the syllabus's expected learning outcomes. At the request of the student, the teacher responsible for the course, in consultation with the examiner, must quickly decide on a suitable examination form. The decision must then be notified to the student.
Other regulations
Crediting of previous courses is judged individually (see Universitetets regelsamling och tillgodoräknandeordning).
In the event that the syllabus ceases to apply or undergoes major changes, students are guaranteed at least three examination opportunities (including the regular examination opportunity) in accordance with the requirements of the syllabus for which the student was originally enrolled for a maximum of two years from the expiry of the previous syllabus or since the course ceased to be given.