Through experimentation, project-based teaching and theoretical reflection, the course aims to provide basic orientation in the subject of architecture. The course examines the concepts of space, scale and body. Students will learn to develop methods to synthesize practical and theoretical knowledge. The course introduces the essential skills and tools, such as digital and analogue sketching, drawing and modelling. The course consists of both group-based and individually process-oriented project work discussed in the group. Briefings and critiques are essential parts of both the pedagogical approach and the examination.
This course contains occasions that are included in a degree programme at Umeå university and applies only to those of you who are admitted to the programme. You will receive information about application times and what applies to you from your institution.
General entry requirements and Mathematics 3b or 3c or Mathematics C, Science Studies 2, Civics 1b or 1a1+1a2. Science Studies can be replaced by Chemistry 1 and Physics 1a or 1b1+1b2.
Entry requirements