Swedish name: Analys av miljöförändringar - Fokus: biogeokemi
This syllabus is valid: 2024-01-01 and until further notice
Course code: 5GV104
Credit points: 15
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Earth Science/Physical Geography: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Ecology and Environmental Science
Established by: Faculty Board of Science and Technology, 2023-09-05
Our entire world is connected through a network of biogeochemical processes. The atmosphere affects the composition of the rain, which affects the vegetation, that - in turn - affects the soil, stream, lake and eventually the sediment that accumulates at the bottom of the lake. The traces these biogeochemical processes leave in the environment can be used to tease out how our environment has changed, and is changing. The aim of this course is to provide knowledge on how different biogeochemical approaches can be used to study environmental change in a broad context. The focus will be on how natural archives (e.g., lake sediments) can be used to understand slow, and gradual, changes that are active over centuries to millennia. During the course we will discuss background/reference conditions, as well as, natural variability and analytical uncertainty, and how these concepts relate to our understanding of both natural and anthropogenic environmental changes.
The course is divided into the following two modules, which run in parallel during the course. Parts of the course are integrated with the course "Analyses of environmental changes - Focus: Long-term environmental problems".
Module 1. Analyses of environmental change, theoretical module, 7,5 credits
Here we discuss environmental change and, e.g., natural variability from different perspectives, with the overarching aim to increase the student's ability to apply a scientific approach when dealing with a complex problem. The module consists of a combination of lectures, laboratory work, exercises, workshops and/or seminar discussions.
Module 2. Analyses of environmental change, project module, 7,5 credits
This part of the course consists of projects, where the students couple the theoretical aspects from module 1 to the practical aspects of analyzing environmental changes using biogeochemical methods. The aim of this module is to train the student's ability to use relevant information (e.g., literature and/or analytical data) in a scientific way. This includes how data is collected, how the data is handled and finally how this affects how the data can be interpreted. In addition to practical work, this module can also contain lectures, seminar discussions, workshops and group discussions.
After the course, for the grade "Pass" (G), the student should be able to:
1. Show basic understanding on how sampling and analytical methods affect the interpretation of environmental data
2. Show the ability to use scientifically based arguments when discussing environmental problems
3. Use scientific methods to explain and discuss different types of environmental changes and their causes
After the course, for the grade "Pass with distinction" (VG), the student should also be able to:
4. Demonstrate an analytical capacity within the framework of problems/themes covered in the course
5. Be able to critically evaluate scientific data/information and synthesize new conclusions in relation to established knowledge (e.g., from peer-reviewed scientific articles) within the subject field
120 ECTS-credits of which 60 ECTS-credits (including at least a 15 ECTS-credit independent project (e.g., the writing of a thesis)) in Physical Geography/Earth Science, Biology, Environmental health or Environmental Science; or its equivalence.
English proficiency equivalent to English 6 from Swedish Upper secondary education.
The course consists of lectures, laboratory work, exercises, workshops, seminar discussions and/or project work. Laboratory work, exercises, workshops, seminar discussions, as well as, the project work are (if not specifically state in the schedule) all mandatory.
Both oral and written examinations can be used during the course. For the entire course the students will be awarded one of the following grades, Not pass (U), Pass (G) and Pass with distinction (VG). For the grade Pass (G), the student must fulfill all expected learning outcomes for the grade Pass. For the grade Pass with Distinction (VG), the student must also fulfill all expected study outcomes for the grade Pass with Distinction. A student that has passed an exam may not retake it in order to get a higher grade.
A student, who has passed two exams for a course or part of a course without an approved result, has the right to have another examiner appointed, unless special reasons speak against it (HF chapter 6, 11b §). Requests for a new examiner are submitted to the head of department of Ecology, Environment and Earth Sciences.
Deviations from the course syllabus examination form can be made for a student who has a decision on pedagogical support due to disability. Individual adaptation of the examination form should be considered based on the student's needs. The examination form is adapted within the framework of the expected syllabus of the course syllabus. At the request of the student, the course responsible teacher, in consultation with the examiner, must promptly decide on the adapted examination form. The decision must then be communicated to the student.
Students have the right to have their previous education or equivalent knowledge and skills acquired in the profession tested whether it can be credited for the corresponding course at Umeå University. Application for credit is submitted to the Student Centre / Examinations. For more information on credit transfer available on Umeå University's student web, www.student.umu.se, and the Higher Education Ordinance (Chapter 6). A refusal of accreditation may be appealed against (Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 12) to the University Appeals Board. This applies to the whole as well as part of the application if accreditation is refused.
Analysis of environmental changes- Focus: Biogeochemistry cannot be read at the same time as Analysis of environmental changes- Focus: long-term environmental problems, 15 hp.
Analysis of environmental changes- Focus: Biogeochemistry cannot be included in the degree together with Analysis of environmental changes- Focus: long-term environmental problems, 15 hp.
In the event that the course plan ceases to apply or undergoes major changes, students are guaranteed at least three exam opportunities (including regular examinations) according to the rules in the syllabus that the student was originally registered for, for a maximum of two years from the date of expiry of the previous course plan or the course ceased being offered.
The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.
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