Swedish name: Avancerad biomedicin
This syllabus is valid: 2025-01-20 and until further notice
Course code: 3MB037
Credit points: 30
Education level: Second cycle
Main Field of Study and progress level:
Biomedical Sciences: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Molecular Biology: Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements
Grading scale: Pass with distinction, Pass, Fail
Responsible department: Department of Molecular Biology
Revised by: Programme Council for the Biomedicine Programmes and the Masters Programme in Biomedical Engineering, 2024-12-19
The course integrates four biomedical research areas - infection and immunology, cancer and bioinformatics, metabolism and metabolic diseases, and neuroscience and diseases of the nervous system. Specific examples illustrate principles and mechanisms that regulate normal cell and organ functions, as well as molecular processes that lead to dysfunction and disease.
The course also includes sessions covering literature searching, ethical aspects of research and scientific work, epidemiology and biostatistics, as well as bioinformatics.
The course is divided into following six modules:
Infection and immunology, 6,5 hp
Cancer and bioinformatics, 7 hp
Metabolism and metabolic diseases, 7 hp
Neuroscience and diseases of the nervous system, 7 hp
Epidemiology and biostatistics, 2 hp
Mini-symposium, 0,5 hp
Knowledge and understanding:
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
Skills and abilities:
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
Judgement and approach:
After completing the course, the student should be able to:
180 ECTS from finished courses containing at 20 ECTS in Chemistry, including at least 5 ECTS in Biochemistry, or alternatively, 20 ECTS from a combination of courses in Chemistry and Physics and/or Mathematics, including at least 5 ECTS in Biochemistry; and in addition, 5 ECTS in Classical Genetics, 7.5 ECTS in Cell Biology, and 15 ECTS in Human or Zoo Physiology including Immunology, Neurobiology and Pathology. Proficiency in English equivalent to Swedish upper secondary course English B/6.
Teaching is in English through lectures and in student-active forms with cases, exercises, own work and group work. Compulsory attendance applies at all teaching sessions except lectures. The biostatistics section includes laboratory exercises that train - examination planning, study implementation, analysis and reporting, as well as use of specific software (i.e.: will include work with computers).
The theoretical part of each module is examined through a written individual examination. The modules infection and immunology, metabolism and metabolic diseases, cancer and bioinformatics, and neuroscience and diseases of the nervous system are examined with hall exams. The epidemiology and biostatistics module is examined with a home exam. Participation at a mini symposium held after the neuroscience module is mandatory for the successful completion of the course.
Other compulsory teaching assignments are examined continuously during the course. Case reports, exercises and group assignments are examined in groups with individual assessment and to pass these, active participation is required. Active participation means that the student contributes with his/her own posts, reflections, and questions, and that the student tries to answer questions posed to him/her or the group. For case reports, the answers must be essentially correct and related to the task. The individual assignments are examined individually.
At written exams (infection and immunology, metabolism and metabolic diseases, cancer and bioinformatics, and neuroscience and diseases of the nervous system) the grades used are Pass with Distinction, Pass, or Fail. For examination of the epidemiology and biostatistics module the grades used are Pass or Fail.
A student who does not fully meet the learning goals at an exam but is close to the grade Pass can, after a decision by the course leader, be given the opportunity to complement the results to achieve the grade Pass on the course. Complementing the examination must be adapted individually based on the goal or goals that the student has not achieved and must take place no earlier than ten working days after the students have been informed of the exam result but before the next examination opportunity. It is only allowed to complement a grade Fail to Pass, complementation for higher grades is not allowed. If the student wishes, he/she has the right to take a re-examination instead of a complementation and thus get the opportunity to obtain a higher grade than Pass. A student who has received the result Pass on an exam may not take a new exam for a higher grade.
In order to obtain the grade Pass on the entire course, the student must have received the grade Pass on all written exams as well as in all other compulsory parts. To achieve the grade Pass with Distinction on the entire course, in addition to the requirements for the grade Pass, individual written assignments must be submitted within specified times and assignments must be reported according to given instructions. In addition, the grade Pass with Distinction must be obtained in at least three out of the four modules (infection and immunology, metabolism and metabolic diseases, cancer and bioinformatics, and neuroscience and diseases of the nervous system), pass the epidemiology and biostatistics module, and attend the mini symposium.
Deviations from the examination form of the course syllabus can be made for a student who has a decision on pedagogical support due to disability. Individual adaptation of the examination form should be considered based on the need of the student. The examination form is adapted within the framework of the expected learning outcomes of the course syllabus. Students who need an adapted examination must request adaptation from the department responsible for the course no later than 10 days before the examination. Upon request of the student, the course leader shall promptly decide on the adapted examination form. The decision must then be communicated to the student.
A student who has twice failed an examination for a course or a part thereof, has the right to have another examiner appointed, unless special reasons speak against it (HF Chapter 6, Section 22). Requests for a new examiner are made in writing to the Program Council for the Biomedicine Programmes.
Transitional Provisions
In the event that a course has been terminated or that a new syllabus has replaced the previous one, students shall be guaranteed at least three examinations (including the ordinary examination) according to the previous syllabus for a maximum period of two years from the time when the previous syllabus expired or the course was no longer offered.
The literature list is not available through the web. Please contact the faculty.