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EcoChange produces science within many areas, with focus on sea and climate change. Read popular science articles about what has been done. Meet the people, read about the results.
Salmon, eider, gulls… Many top predators suffer from thiamin deficiency. Why does the problem arise?
The pike's ability to adapt to a diverse environment may be its key to survival.
The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii is well-equipped to meet climate change.
The species diversity in coastal areas can increase as an effect of climate change.
Dissolved organic carbon makes the food web less efficient. What controls this?
The sensitive Baltic bacteria communities will change in the climate changed future.
Dioxins in herring do not decrease at expected rate. Earlier chlorophenol use may be part of the explanation.
Marine bacteria can be affected by organic pollutants.
The sediments of the seabed serve as large sinks for a variety of environmental toxins. How toxic are they?
We need strong and continuous research on the marine environment, says professor Agneta Andersson.
The sea and water management needs the results from EcoChange.
Measuring water transparency is easy, but it can give misleading results.
If we overlook the role of bacteria respiration, measures might not have the desired effect on oxygen status
Collaboration between research and water management is necessary for a healthy marine environment.
Bacteria community composition gives important information on disturbances to marine environment.