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Virtual Coffee Chats

Once a month, we meet for a virtual coffee chat. We call these meetings “EEE fika”, based on the Swedish fika tradition:

“Fika is a social institution in Sweden and the practice of taking a break with a beverage and snack is widely accepted as central to Swedish life. As a common mid-morning and mid-afternoon practice at workplaces in Sweden, fika may also function partially as an informal meeting between co-workers and management people, and it may even be considered impolite not to join in. Fika often takes place in a meeting room or a designated fika room. A sandwich, fruit or a small meal may be called fika as the English concept of afternoon tea.” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffee_culture#Sweden)

The purpose of the EEE fikas is to provide a platform for informal discussions about the role of emotions in engineering education. Most EEE fikas will have a loosely defined theme that is used to inspire discussions. Normally, a small group of participants will take on the role of fika hosts, choosing a theme they would like to discuss and providing seeds for starting the discussions.

The fikas take place on the 2nd Tuesday of every month at 4-5pm CET (CEST during European daylight saving time). In July and August, no formal theme and moderation will be organized, but the meeting space will be open to those who wish to drop in.

The links to the virtual meetings are distributed through the EEE mailing list.

Latest update: 2024-08-02