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Practical Information

Timing & travel

EEES 2022 takes place 12-14 October in Umeå, Sweden. Umeå is known as the City of Birches, thanks to the many birches lining the streets. Umeå has a subarctic climate and those who are up late and able to get away from the city lights may even have a chance to see the northern lights. EEES 2022 is timed to allow participants to also attend the Frontiers in Education conference, which will take place in Uppsala, 8-11 October. Travel between Uppsala and Umeå is convenient by night train, where you can choose between a shared or private compartment.

On the day after EEES 2022, 15 October, we will arrange social activities for those who would like to stay longer and continue interacting in a more informal setting.

Participation & finances

Please note that the number of participants is limited to 30. We will select participants based on prior engagement in the Emotions in Engineering Education Network; cultural, disciplinary, and gender diversity; and voluntary contributions to organizing the symposium and ensuring it runs smoothly. We welcome both experienced researchers and those new to engineering education research and/or emotion research. To apply for participation, please refer to the information provided here.

Participation will be free of charge, including lunch, coffee, and one conference dinner. However, participants will have to cover the costs for their own travel and accommodation. We may be able to provide financial support to a few participants who have difficulties obtaining funding from other sources. If you do need support, please get in touch as soon as possible.

Keynote speakers

Kathleen M. Quinlan is currently Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Kent, UK. Her research focuses on higher education students’ holistic development, including emotion, motivation, and interest. She has also researched discipline-specificity in learning and teaching, with studies on engineering education, veterinary education, and humanities education. Through her research and academic leadership positions in the US, Australia, and England, she has inspired educational researchers and educators alike, for example through her innovative book How Higher Education Feels: Commentaries on Poems that Illuminate Emotion in Learning and Teaching. Her keynote will provide an overview of different theoretical stances that have been taken in research on emotions in education. Professor Quinlan will challenge attendees to consider the implications of these sometimes competing/sometimes complementary perspectives for their own research on emotions in engineering education.

Michalinos Zembylas is Professor of Educational Theory and Curriculum Studies at the Open University of Cyprus, Honorary Professor at Nelson Mandela University, South Africa, and Adjunct Professor at the University of South Australia. He has written extensively on emotion and affect in relation to social justice pedagogies, intercultural and peace education, human rights education, and citizenship education. His recent books and edited volumes include Affect and the rise of right-wing populism: Pedagogies for the renewal of democratic education and Higher education hauntologies: Living with ghosts for a justice-to-come. In his keynote lecture, Professor Zembylas will discuss issues of power, affect, and social justice in education. Among other topics, he will highlight how social problems in education tend to be framed as individual psychological deficiencies – while obscuring structural inequalities and ideological commitments that perpetuate social injustices through educational policy and practice.

Contact information


Latest update: 2024-08-02