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The Department of Psychology annually welcomes students from all over the world. We offer a number of courses taught in English. On this page you will find further information for both students and partner universities. We hope this information will be helpful, and we look forward to meeting new students at the department.

Incoming exchange students

Hi future students! We are happy that you are interested in spending your exchange period at the Department of Psychology. We hope the information we give on these pages will be helpful as you embark on this new and exciting journey.

For more information about incoming exchange studies, go to:

Exchange students

Outgoing exchange students

Do you want to challenge yourself and gain invaluable experiences? Get to know a new country, culture and make new friends? Strengthen your CV with international qualifications? The Department of Psychology has a wide range of high-quality options for exchange studies. Take the opportunity to study abroad!

For more information about outgoing exchange studies, go to:

Study abroad

Freemover students

Do you want to study at without an exchange agreement? Or are you a student here already and want to study at a university that we don´t have an exchange agreement with? If so, you can organise your studies abroad on your own. You go as a so-called freemover and have to arrange everything on your own. So be sure to prepare carefully.

For more information about incoming freemover studies, go to:

How to apply

For more information about outgoing freemover studies, go to:

Organise studies abroad on your own

For our partner universities

Nomination and application
If you plan to send exchange students to Umeå University they must be nominated online through our nomination form. Applications will only be considered if the students have been nominated before the deadline. Once the nomination is submitted, an automatic e-mail with the application instructions will be sent to your students.
For more information about the nomination procedure, go to:
For partner universities

Courses for exchange students
Your students are welcome to apply for courses in psychology, but also in other subjects if they will fulfill the requirements.

For more information about courses taught in English, go to:

Search courses

Partner up with us
You are welcome to contact the Department of Psychology if you are interested in establishing a formal exchange agreement with us. Please find the contact information below.

For more information about reasons to choose Umeå University, go to:

Experience Umeå


Contact us

Jessica Binrell
Study administrator
Johannes Braf
Study counsellor
Latest update: 2022-10-25