ESPLAT 2023 Welcome and opening. Susanne Narciss, President of ESPLAT Michael Gruber, Convener of the ESPLAT conference Presentation of PLAT Zoe Sander, Journal managing editor
13.40-14.10 Vardagsrummet
On sustainability and teaching psychology Annika Nordlund, Head of Department, Psychology, Umeå
14.20-15.20 HUM.D.210 (Hörsal E)
Keynote 1 Thérese Skoog Sustainable and accessible learning environments in higher education
Digital Keynote 2 Robert Sternberg Time Bomb: How the Western Conception of Intelligence is Taking Down Humanity and What to Do about It
14.30-15.30 HUM.D.210 (Hörsal E)
ESPLAT General Assembly In addition to providing reports from the President and Executive Committee, the General Assembly of ESPLAT will provide a forum for the discussion of ideas and aspirations for ESPLAT. All current members and potential future members are welcome and encouraged to attend for an opportunity to help steer the direction of ESPLAT in the coming years. Come and be part of the future of Psychology Learning and Teaching across Europe!