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Seminar. Thomas Wieloch presents a seminar in IceLab titled 'Modelling metabolic fluxes in plants under stress' February 24th at 13:00.
Conference. The event brings together the academia, industry, and region to nurture collaborations.
Seminar. Yanjun Zan presents 'Genetics of phenotype plasticity provide insight into complex traits variation and evolution' in IceLab February 25, 13h.
Other. Annual cross country skiing relay organised by KBC - Register now!
Seminar. Scientific seminar arranged by Umeå Plant Science Centre
Defence of doctoral thesis. Broken Sm-ring: A quest to the source of the cold sensitivity of the A. thaliana SmE1 splicing mutant.
Seminar. Olivier Keech presents a seminar in IceLab titled 'Cell death, energy metabolism and sustainable food production' February 28th at 14:00.
Defence of doctoral thesis. New Light on Photoprotection: Spectral Resolution of Non-Photochemical Quenching.
Conference. This event is a forum for people from industry, academia and research infrastructures to discuss the latest developments in Applied Mass Spectrometry
Defence of doctoral thesis. Decoding lignin in Swedish aspen: Paths to Better Feedstocks and Resilient Trees.
Course. Introduction to the use of FTIR and Raman spectrometers, as well as OPTIR and Raman microscopes.