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Research groups

Atomically Thin & Layered Materials
Atomically thin crystalline structures such as two-dimensional (2D) materials or single- and few- walled nanotubes exhibit several interesting...
Research area: Physical sciences
Biophysics and Biophotonics group
Deveolops advanced optical techniques to study biological systems, including how bacteria attach to surfaces.
Complex systems
For the passion of revealing stories in relational data to address research questions across the sciences, in the complex system group we develop a...
Research area: Physical sciences
Digital Physics
Read more about the research group Digital Physics.
Research area: Physical sciences
Eduardo Gracia Lab
We make the best out of the heterogeneity in nanomaterials.
Jia Wang lab
Our group studies low-dimensional semiconductor materials.
Ludvig Edman lab
Developing optoelectronics based on organic semiconductors, with focus on functionality and sustainability.
Ludvig Lizana Lab
We tackle a wide array of topics, including gene regulation, aging, networks and more.
Nanomaterials and energy storage
The research of our group is aimed on synthesis of new 2D materials, study of their fundamental properties and energy storage applications. Our...
Research area: Physical sciences
New materials under extreme conditions
Low and high temperatures, simultaneously with high pressure, change the thermodynamic stability of materials and the kinetics of phase transitions...
Research area: Physical sciences
Optical frequency comb spectroscopy group
The group works with research on optical frequency comb spectroscopy.
Research area: Physical sciences
RElativistic Attosecond Physics Laboratory (REAL)
The goal of relativistic attosecond physics laboratory is laser-driven generation of the shortest light and electron pulses ever achieved, which ha...
Research area: Physical sciences
Space Plasma Physics Group
The Umeå Space Plasma Physics Group focuses on studying naturally occurring plasmas in the solar system.
Research area: Physical sciences
The Laser Physics Group
Leader of the research group is Professor Ove Axner.
Research area: Physical sciences
Thomas Wågberg lab
Synthesis and characterization of various types of nanomaterials.
Ultrafast Nanoscience
In our group we study both the fundamental and applied aspects of light-matter interactions.
Latest update: 2023-01-12