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Research at the Department of Medical Biochemistry represents a comprehensive approach to study biological systems at the molecular level. Scientists here study the structure and function of genes and proteins.
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The department's seminar series with invited guest lecturers from around the world.
Seminar. Title: Bacteriophages crossing glycan barriers on bacterial cell surfaces
Seminar. Title: "Novel insights on the role of glycosylation in therapy resistance and immune evasion in gastrointestinal cancer"
Seminar. SciLifeLab Site Umeå / KBC Infrastructure Seminar Series
The yearly KBC Relay took place again, with colourful costumes and competition from SLU's students
Ten projects at Umeå University receive a total of 30 million SEK from the Swedish Cancer Society.
The new FIB-SEM instrument was inaugurated in November 2024.
Visiting address:KBC-building, floor 6
Delivery address:Linnaeus väg 6907 36 Umeå
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