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Staff at the department of Integrative Medical Biology

The department has about 90 people employed as teachers, researchers, post docs, doctoral students and administrative/technical staff.


Abdullah Kbiri
Abraha Kahsay
Adrian Nilsson
Akem Berhane Fessehaye
Alexander Saratti
Alicia Valatabar
Alireza Salami
Alizade Mustafa
Alva Hiller
Ana Virel

Associate Professor and Docent in Histology and Cell Biology.

Department of Medical and Translational Biology.

Anders Lundquist

I'm associate professor (Swedish: docent) in Statistics, department head at Department of Statistics / assistant head of USBE. I´m affiliated to Umeå center for functional brain imaging (UFBI).

Anders Öhman
Andreas Hörnblad
Andy Wallman

Associate professor, PhD Phamacy, Pharmacist

Teach courses within the pharmacy programs and do research in pharmacy practice.

Anna Quiroga
Aref Katta
Arvin Björkgren
Bianca Korse

I am a PhD student in Richard Lundmark’s lab and I study protein-mediated membrane remodeling.

Björn Andersson
Björn Morén
Carl-Johan Boraxbekk

Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience of Aging

Carola Hjälten
Chloe Williams
Christoffer Hallin Wik
Craig Vincent
Daniel Säfström


Associate Professor in Physiology and Consultant Physician in Diagnostic Radiology

Deborah Jonsson
Derin Dilan
Ebba Bengtsson
Edda Sörlin Åberg
Elin Almroth
Elin Bejegård
Elin Larsson
Elin Wiklund
Ellen Johansson
Elsa Matsa
Emanuel Holm
Emelie Strandh
Emil Kennås
Emilija Romic
Emma Rodrigues
Emma Svidén
Emma Turesson
Emmelie Lidh
Eric Höglund
Erik Hansson
Erik Lundgren
Erik Peters
Erland Hassler
Eva Rodriguez Marquez
Eva Sönnerstam
Fahad Sultan
Farhan Khalid Shah

I work as an Associate Professor of Anatomy, teaching in medical, dental, and nursing programs, and managing the Anatomical Competence Center. My research explores the impact of vibrations on cells.


I am a professor with two main resarch tracks: the extraocular muscles and aniridia-related keratopathy. Research is my passion and the reason I came to Sweden from Portugal 30 years ago. 

Filip Nygren
Fredrik Backlund
Frida Torell
George Chamoun
Gustav Andersson
Hampus Gerestrand
Hanna Nord
Hannah Stanzé
Helena Edlund


Professor of Molecular Developmental Biology

Head of the Section of Molecular Medicin, Dept. of Medical and Translational Biology

Helena Norberg

Associate professor in pharmacy, PhD, MSc clinical pharmacy

Programme coordinator for BSc and MSc in pharmacy

Ida Norojärvi
Irina Ana Boukhouit
Isa Stenport
Isa Whyte Krenchel
Isabell Stennabba
Isak Rönn
Isak Wennberg
Isak Åström
Itzel Nissen
Iwan Jones
Jakob Karlsson
Jarkko Johansson
Jessica Karlsson


Associate professor in pharmacology

Jingxia Liu
Joel Holmgren
Jonas Kindstedt
Jonas von Hofsten

Studies muscle cells - in the subject areas of embryonic development, regeneration and cancer.

Joudi Ibrahem
Julia Krutrök
Karim Kwaidi
Karolina Kauppi

I study biological mechanisms of cognitive impairments in aging and neuropsychiatric diseases.


Laith Abed Al Sattar
Laiva Ashang Luwang
Lanya Fatih
Lars Luay Dakheel
Lars Nyberg

Lars Nyberg serves as Professor of Neuroscience and director of Umeå Center for Functional Brain Imaging (UFBI). He is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Lars Stiernman

My research expertise and interest primarily revolves around the use of PET and MRI techniques to understand factors affecting brain and cognitive aging in health and disease.

Lauri Pulkkinen

I am a structural virologist working in Richard Lundmark’s group. I try to understand how tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) rearranges the membranes of the host cell during infection.

Lena Gunhaga

Professor in Developmental Biology.

The interest of my research group concerns the development and function of the nervous system, with focus on the brain and sensory systems.

Lev Novikov

Professor of Anatomy

Lina Sollén
Linda Rankin
Linn Mauritzon
Linnéa Andersson
Linus Månsson Nylund
Lucas Gladzki
Luciano Censoni
Ludvig Backman

Associate Professor of Physical Therapy and Functional Anatomy

Ludvig Bertilsson
Madeleine Alberts
Magdalena Kalinowski
Maja Hagberg Hilborn
Maria Brohlin
Maria Gustafsson


Associate Professor and Docent in Pharmacy

Associate professor, combined with clinical employment

Maria Sjölander

Associate Professor of Pharmacy

Mathias Selin
Micael Andersson
Michael Dimitriou


Associate Professor of Physiology

Head of Research (Dimitriou Laboratory)

Michael Druzin
Michael Haney

Michael Haney, MD, PhD, MSc

Academic head and Professor, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Senior consultant, University Hospital of Umeå


Mikael Stiernstedt

I am research coordinator at WCMM, lab manager at UFBI, as well as project manager for the Betula project.

Mikko Lammi

ORCID: 0000-0002-6181-9904

Investigations on cartilage tissue engineering and endemic osteochondropathy, Kashin-Beck disease

Milanda Thomas
Mirela Bilali
Mirka Nilsson Ahlin
Moa Karlsson
Mohammad Ahmadi
Nadia Ferry Yassin

I work with administration within the Pharmacy programs and doctoral education (Pre-doc exchange).

Naga Venkata Gayathri Vegesna
Natanael Halldorf
Nazifa Nawal Huda
Nibal Betari
Nick Moghbel
Nick Nilsson
Nina Karalija
Nina Svarvare
Noor Al Ali
Ola Al-Madholm
Oliver Westerlind
Olof Lagerlöf

I am a physician and researcher in psychiatry. I study how the brain regulates when, what and how much we eat.

Olov Nilsson
Paolo Medini
Patrik Danielson

M.D., Ph.D.

Professor of Anatomy

Senior Consultant Ophthalmologist

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine

Paul Kingham
Per Utsi
Per Öhrngren
Peyman Kelk

Associate professor in anatomy

Senior consultant in oral prosthodontics

Assistant head of department

Phong Tran
Pär Steneberg
Qian Zhang
Qiongxuan Lu
Ragheed Karakchi
Rajaa Abu Hajaj
Rajeev Chandel
Rebecca Wiberg
Reuben Wennstig
Richard Lundmark

Professor in histology and cell biology. Director of the platform Biochemical Imaging Centre Umeå (BICU).

For more information about my lab and research please see: www.lundmark-lab.se

Robin Pedersen
Robin Rohlén

I develop and use electrophysiological and ultrasonic methods to study the neural control of motor neurons

Roger Widmark
Roine El-Habta
Sanna Persson
Sara af Bjerkén

My research is focused on neurodegenerative processes and non-motor symptomatology in Parkinson's disease.

Sara Pudas

My research focuses on cognitive and brain aging.

Sara Wilson

Associate professor, PhD, docent, recognized teacher, Scientific Reports editorial board and nordic board for develpmental biology. Research on the nervous system during development and disease.

Seda Otaa
Silvia Remeseiro

Wallenberg Fellow in Molecular Medicine (WCMM).

Long-range Gene Regulation and 3D-organization of the Glioblastoma Genome

Sofia Mattsson


Associate Professor and Docent in Pharmacy

Assistand Head of Department with responsibilites for education on bachelor and master level


Soleman Farah
Somaya Babakhani
Staffan Johansson

Professor of Physiology

Head of Department of Medical and Translational Biology

Stefan Norlin
Stig Jacobsson

Professor of Pharmacology

Tahmina Dawlat Muhammad
Taiyeba Akter
Therese Pettersson
Tianyan Wang
Ulf Dahl
Ulrika Pettersson Kymmer
Valentina Emiliani
Vanessa Crine
Viktor Arvidsson
Viktor Burström
William Mattsson
William Rönnbäck
Yashar Azar
Latest update: 2019-04-04