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My job is HR administrator at the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
Main research interests: Complex Analysis, Operator Theory and their applications.
Assistant Professor in Mathematics
I am associate professor in mathematics.
Christian Ewald is a Professor of Financial Mathematics with specialization in Financial Mathematics, Quantitative Finance, Risk-Management, and Commodities.
I am a PhD student in discrete mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.
I am an associate professor at the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics and based at the interdisciplinary research center IceLab.
My research is about applications of geometry in biomathematics and AI. I teach basic courses in mathematics in the engineering and teacher educations and "basåret".
Research areas: number theory and representation theory.
My personal webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/istvantomon/home
Associate Professor in mathematics with focus on complex geometry and partial differential equations.
Researches mathematical methods and models to investigate social science problems. Teaches courses in mathematical modeling and project courses for civil engineering students.
Josephine is a multidisciplinary postdoctoral fellow at the integrated science centre IceLab, under the supervision of Eric Libby, Peter Lind, Ludvig Lizana and Björn Schröder.
Full Professor in Mathematical Statistics with focus on Statistical Learning and Inference for Spatiotemporal Data, including fundamental research and applications in AI. Director of Doctoral Studies
I am associate professor in mathematics, who teaches and does research within computational mathematics.
Associate Professor in Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics and a member of the research group Discrete Mathematics.
I'm associate professor (docent) of discrete mathematics and director of studies at the department of mathematics and mathematical statistics.
Lucas is an evolutionary biologist who uses mathematical models and computer simulations to investigate mechanisms leading to social evolution across biological scales.
I have a project called Royal Road to Calculus about how school mathematics has developed, with focus on 1880-1920.
Associate professor in Mathematical Statistics with a focus on spatial and spatio-temporal marked point processes on general state spaces, change-point detection, and trajectories.
Associate Professor in Mathematical Statistics. Main research interests: statistical regression modelling and functional data analysis.
I work with exam administration and scheduling at the Science and Technology Foundation Year Programme, the Department's website and LinkedIn page, and work with financial administration.
My name is Oleksandr (Sasha) Cherednichenko. During my PhD I aim to create a deep reinforcement learning framework to answer a single question: Can microbes distinguish a friend from a foe?
Program director for the Science and Technology Foundation Year Programme.
I am Professor of Mathematical Statistics and my research is about developing and applying statistical methods to analyze large and complex data.
I am a docent of mathematics.
Understanding multicellularity through mathematics
Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Science and Technology and board member of The Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems & Software Program, WASP.
I am an assistant professor in computational mathematics.
Docent and associate professor in computing science. Doing research in machine learning and computer vision, often with applications in medical image analysis or the life sciences.
Associate Professor in Mathematics. Main research interests: extremal combinatorics and discrete probability.