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Mathematics Cinema

Welcome to Umeå university's Mathematics Cinema organized by the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. The Mathematics Cinema offers an opportunity to explore the lives of renowned mathematicians. All staff and students are most welcome!

Next movie screening

                                         Information on the next screening will be published here.

Previous movies screenings

The Mathematics Cinema has previously shown
The Bit Player, a film about Claude Shannon

Claude Shannon is probably best known as the father of information theory.

N is a number, a film about Paul Erdős

Paul Erdős was one of the most prolific mathematicians of the 20th century.

En äldre man med vitt hår och en vit skjorta håller en geometrisk polyeder ovanför sitt huvud mot en röd bakgrund. På bilden finns också överlagrade geometriska diagram och ekvationer.
The man who saved geometry, a film about Donald Coxeter

Donald Coxeter is widely regarded as one of the greatest geometers of the 20th Century.

For more information, please contact

Klara Stokes
Associate professor
Latest update: 2023-06-08