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About the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics

The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at Umeå University, Sweden, is a young, multi-cultural and modern department located in a vibrant coastal city 300 kilometers south of the Arctic Circle. We welcome international exchange and have partnership agreements with 25 institutions in the world.

Visiting adress

MIT-building, floor 3
Linneaus väg 49
901 87 Umeå

Undergraduate education

Each year we teach around 1 600 students. We give courses of high quality in
mathematics and mathematical statistics in engineering programs and bachelor programs, theoretical-science programs and some of the teaching programs at Umeå University. Many of our courses are given by active researchers connected to both industrial applications and cutting-edge research.


Research and PhD studies

In addition to undergraduate education we conduct research in Computational Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence Mathematical Modeling and Analysis and Mathematical Statistics.

We have an attractive and highly dynamic research environment, and are a founding partner of the three prominent interdisciplinary research labs Integrated Science Lab (Icelab), UMIT Research Lab and Computational Life Science Cluster (CLiC).

We conduct PhD studies in the research areas mathematics, mathematical statistics and computational science. We offer a number of PhD courses each year and a regular seminar series.


External cooperation 

We recognize the importance of collaborating with external organizations in order to strengthen both our research and teaching. The demand for
statistical and mathematical expertise is high in both the private and public sectors, particularly as data, automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalization continue to grow and evolve. We believe that working with external partners can bring new perspectives, resources, and opportunities that enhance our efforts and impact.

We are proud to have collaborations with a variety of organizations, including multinational companies, municipalities, regional hospitals, and nonprofit organizations. These partnerships allow us to contribute our expertise to a wide range of projects and initiatives, and to stay connected to the needs and challenges of the larger community. We are committed to being an engaged and involved academic partner, and look forward to continuing to build strong and mutually beneficial relationships with our external partners.

Our department in numbers

  • Approximately 90 employees
  • Nationalities represented: 18
  • Professors: 5
  • Associate professors: 29
  • Assistant professors: 5
  • PhD students: 23
  • Administrators: 8
  • Bachelor's Programme: 1 (Mathematics)
  • Master's Programmes: 2 (Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics)
  • Integrated Master's Programme: 1 (Industrial Engineering and Management)
  • Doctoral Programes: 3 (Mathematics, Mathematical Statistics and Computational Science and Engineering)  

Head of Department

Konrad Abramowicz
Associate professor

Assistant head of department, research

Lisa Hed
Associate professor, research fellow

Assistant head of department, education

Peter Anton
Associate professor

Study counsellor

Lars-Daniel Öhman
Associate professor, research fellow
Latest update: 2024-10-11