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Aleksei Semenenko

Associate professor in Slavic languages. Director of Russian studies. 

Anders Steinvall
Anna Bark Persson

PhD in gender studies and postdoctoral researcher in English literature at the Department for Language Studies with a focus on speculative fiction.

Anna Terra Veloso Mendes

I am a doctoral student in Sámi dutkan/Sami Studies with a focus on Language Policy and Planning.

Anna-Lill Drugge
Annett Vikström
Anngelica Kristoferqvist

I coordinate the activities of the Arctic Graduate School and other Arctic education activities. My academic backgrounds are Cognitive Science, Computer Science and Psychology.

Annika Norlund Shaswar

I am a senior lecturer and associate professor in Language Teaching and Learning. My research centers on L2 development, multilingualism and literacy. I teach courses in Swedish as a second language.

Berit Aronsson
Berit Åström

Associate Professor of English Literature, teaching literature, langaguage proficiency and academic writing. My research is in gender and cultural studies, focusing on critical kinship studies. 

Bettina Jobin

As a senior lecturer at the department I teach German linguistics and culture both on campus and online. 

Carina Andersson
Carla Jonsson

Professor in Educational Work. 

Research interests: multilingualism in education and work life, minority languages, Swedish as a second language, translanguaging, literacies, linguistic ethnography.


Caroline Boucher
Cathrine Norberg

I am Deputy Vice-Chancellor for education on the first- and second-cycle level.

Christina Karlberg

Administrative coordinator at the Department of Language Studies.

Coppelie Cocq

Assistant director. 

Professor in Sámi studies and digital humanities. 

Deputy director of the research infrastructure Huminfra.

Co-editor for the journal JAF: A Global Quarterly.

Daniel Andersson

Professor of Scandinavian Languages with a focus on North Scandinavian Studies. 

Elena Lindholm

Senior lecturer in Spanish at the Department of Language Studies

Elena Rassokhina
Elin Jälmbrant

I am a university lecturer at the department of language studies and teach language didactics and Swedish.

Elisabeth Nilsson

I am a doctoral student with an interest in the assessment practices in the Swedish preschool class.

Emil Molander

Lecturer in Swedish as a second language

Erika Sturk

My research interests include writing education and discourses of writing in policy and practice. I have a background as a teacher, as a coordinator of literacy networks, and as a teacher educator.

Erika Wolf

I am an Associate Professor of Italian Studies. My research interests revolve around the relationship between art, science, and literature.


Eva Lindgren

I work within the field of Language Teaching and Learning (didaktik) with a particular focus on literacy and writing, policy and participation. See also www.wrights.se

Florence Sisask

I teach French and Swedish as a second language and am Deputy Director of Studies in French and Spanish. I'm also the International Coordinator for French. 

Giovanni Fort
Gisela Taube-Lyxzen

I am the study advisor, the international coordinator and the contact person for students with pedagogical support. I am also study administrator for courses in English, German and Russian.

Giuseppe Nencioni
Görel Sandström

Senior Lecturer in General Linguistics

Assistant Director of Studies, General and Applied Linguistics

Hampus Holm
Hanna Outakoski

Mun lean sámegiela doseanta ja máŋggagielatvuođa ja čállinoahpahusa dutki. I am Docent of Sámi language. I do research on multilingualism and literacy instruction in a minority context.

Hanna Söderlund

Researcher in applied lingustics with focus on power relations and gender in conversations about humour and sports.

Heidi Hansson

I am Professor of English Literature at Umeå University, Sweden and among other things, my research has concerned postmodern romance, Irish women's literature and Irish book history. 

Helena Hägglund
Heli Tissari

I teach English linguistics. My research interests include cognitive and corpus linguistics, emotions, English historical linguistics, and semantics.   

Ingela Valfridsson

I teach German and Language Didactics. I am also the coordinator for teacher education and for minority languages and also assistant director of studies for Finnish, Meänkieli, Sami and German.

Irma Olofsson
Janica Jokela

I am a PhD student in linguistics specializing in language policy and planning related to the national minority language Meänkieli.

Johan Nordlander
John Vincent Baker

I teach English at the Umeå School of Education and I am the course coordinator for Practical Placement courses (VFU II / III)

Jonas Carlquist

Professor in Scandinavian languages

Kajsa Törmä
Karyn Sandström

Writing for academic and research purposes in a second language, the teaching and learning of English in schools, uses of picture books for language learning

Katarina Gregersdotter

Reader in English literature, deputy director of English.

Katrin Pusch
Kirk P H Sullivan

I am professor of linguistics, and honorary professor of education at Prifysgol Bangor University. I am also the scientific leader for the post-graduate school in the Educational Sciences.

Krister Stoor

Associate professor at the Department of Language Studies/Sámi dutkan. Intellectual Indigenous traditions are my research interests. 

Kristina Persson
Kätlin Koik

I am a doctoral student in English literature. In my project, I explore representations of eating disorders in contemporary literature.

Lars-Erik Edlund

Researches dialects and place names within the northern Scandinavian areas, including spotlighting different language landscapes. Focus lies on the Scandinavian languages.

Lena Leimgruber

Doctoral student in English literature since September 2024. My research focuses on speculative fiction, postcolonial literature and ecocriticism, with a focus on the Arctic.

Lenita Jensen
Lieuwe Jan Hettema

PhD Student in linguistics with focus on language policy and planning regarding the Sámi languages.

Linda Sandström

I am an assistant professor in linguistics with a focus on language development.

Linn Bonna
Lovisa Larsson
Luke Laframboise

Phd Student in Sami studies, focusing on indigenous politics and Arctic relations. Originally from Canada.

Magnus Haney
Magnus Nordström
Mai Trang Vu

I teach and do research in Education and TESOL Teacher Education from a critical, interdisciplinary perspective.

Malin Isaksson

My research interests span fan fiction, teaching and learning of (French) literature, reception studies, and speculative fiction with a focus on reworking of myths and legends from the North.

Mareike Jendis

I am an Associate Professor in German literature and teach courses at all levels.

Maria Esquivel
Maria Levlin

Associate professor teaching at the Special Needs Teacher Education Programme. Main research interests are language, reading and writing difficulties.

Professor of Modern English literature. Research interests: speculative fiction, travel writing, fan fiction, the Arctic.

Maria Rosenberg

My research areas cover morphology, lexical semantics, language acquisition, as well as contrastive and corpus linguistics, and have a particular focus on word-formation.

Maria Svensson
Marie Figaro
Marja Stina Svonni

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Professor of English Linguistics

Martina Terrazzano

I am a PhD candidate in linguistics and gender studies. My project focuses on HIV/AIDS representation in Swedish mainstream and queer magazines. 

Mattias Gunéll
Merja Torvinen

Associate professor in Finnish language

Monica Börlin

Communications Officer, and Web Editor at the Arctic Centre. I am responsible for the external communication on social media, in newsletters, and on our website. 

Natalia Ringblom
Nikolai Almgren
Paiwei Qin

Postdoctoral Fellow | Research on the intersection of language education, migration and multilingualism, as well as internationalisation of higher education.

Paulette van der Voet

I am a doctoral student in Language Teaching and Learning at the Department of Language Studies. 

Per Boström

Director of Studies. Writing researcher. Metaphor researcher. Love researcher. Lecturer.

Peter Ström

I am lecturer in Swedish with a didactical orientation doing teaching and research in Swedish/Scandinavian languages, often in relation to the teaching profession.

Qiujun Zhang
Robert Eckeryd
Sandra Lundström

I work as a Communications Officer at the Department of Language Studies,  and at Humlab. My tasks include web-related work, graphic design, writing news, social media, and events.

Sara Silverdal
Sejla Kilim
Simone Mellquist
Sofia Rova
Solveig Bollig

I am a PhD-student in linguistics with a focus on Nordic languages. 

Susanne Haugen

Lecturer in Scandinavian languages.

Suvi Karjalainen

I mainly teach and train voice and speech for all teacher education students. In addition, I teach language didactics both within teacher education and special needs teacher education.

Van Leavenworth

I am an Associate Professor in English literature at the Department of Language Studies. I teach courses in literature, cultural studies, academic writing and language proficiency at all levels.

Yeo-Ae Yoon
Yulia Kashevarova

Using experimental methods, I research how multiple cue use in third-language Swedish sentences and discourses is affected by the cue use in learners' first and second languages.

Yvonne Knospe

I am a senior lecturer in language, reading and writing development with a focus on special needs teachers’ profession.

Åsa Otterbjörk

Speech and language therapist and lecturer helping teacher students with their voices and speech. Also teaching in speech production, Swedish pronunciation and children’s language development.

Latest update: 2022-11-15