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Gender and sexuality in literature, arts and media
Published: 2024-06-19

Researchers from Sweden, Canada and France came together to present on a common theme.

Sámi children's right to learn their language in Russia
Published: 2024-06-03

New dissertation by Ekaterina Zmyvalova stems from the need of Sámi childrens right to language education.

AI and Kinship – can a robot be family?
Published: 2024-05-13

Research project analyses how artificial intelligence is a part of family formations in speculative fiction.

How will AI affect writing and the teaching of writing?
Published: 2024-05-02

New research project investigates the impact of AI on the writing processes of 13–15 year olds.

Awarded fellowship to teach literary theory in Singapore
Published: 2024-04-03

Virginia Langum, professor in English literature, received a STINT Teaching Sabbatical grant.

Linguistics and the Eurovision Song Contest
Published: 2024-03-11

Building Bridges Eurovision Podcast highlights summer course at the Department of Language Studies.

Kajsa Törmä presents at NYU Space Talks
Published: 2024-02-29

"The lecture explores how the language we use when talking about outer space is shaped by three key factors"

How youth fiction can raise awareness of the climate crisis
Published: 2024-01-30

Irene Bordignon, visiting PhD student, is interested in climate change with a particular focus on the Arctic.

Research Trip to Lund led to Project and Network Developments
Published: 2023-12-15

PhD student Ekaterina Zmyvalova participated in a session on Child Rights at Lund University.

Four new recognised teachers at Language Studies
Published: 2023-11-16

On 10 November, recently appointed recognised and distinguished teachers were celebrated with a ceremony.

"Everyone has the right to understand their rights"
Published: 2023-10-10

Plain language means writing clearly, concisely, organised, and appropriate for the intended audience.

New book on how the image of the Arctic changes in speculative fiction
Published: 2023-09-19

"The Arctic has moved into our consciousness as a central part of the Earth's machinery."

A PhD Course and Two Weeks of Writing in Tromsø
Published: 2023-08-03

Arctic Centre Funding – Read about Paulette van der Voet and her funded trip to Tromsø.

NorrSam kick-off gathers early career researchers in Sámi topics
Published: 2023-06-22

Around 30 researchers working with Sámi related topics discussed the development of the NorrSam-network.

What if...the polar ice melts a little faster?
Published: 2023-06-03

Speculative fiction can inspire initiative and action on existing climate challenges.

Latest update: 2023-03-31