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The Language Programme for staff includes varied activities: courses, language cafés, and operational support.
PhD candidate Lena Leimgruber presented her research on Arctic literature and speculative fiction.
Since its introduction in Sweden in the 1960s, mother tongue education has been a neglected subject.
Björn Norlin and Anna-Lill Drugge were granted funding for their project within teacher education.
Symposium gathered researchers from iSweden, Norway, Finland, USA, UK and Brazil.
Primary teachers gained further training in how to teach English to young children on a scientific basis.
The aim is to provide tools for a sustainable working life and strengthen the strategic supply of skills.
Researchers from Sweden, Canada and France came together to present on a common theme.
New dissertation by Ekaterina Zmyvalova stems from the need of Sámi childrens right to language education.
Research project analyses how artificial intelligence is a part of family formations in speculative fiction.
New research project investigates the impact of AI on the writing processes of 13–15 year olds.
Virginia Langum, professor in English literature, received a STINT Teaching Sabbatical grant.
Building Bridges Eurovision Podcast highlights summer course at the Department of Language Studies.
"The lecture explores how the language we use when talking about outer space is shaped by three key factors"
Irene Bordignon, visiting PhD student, is interested in climate change with a particular focus on the Arctic.