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Department of Language Studies

Our teaching and research concern several aspects of language: communication, culture, cognition, and literature. Language studies develop competencies that are sought after in most professions, and that in addition are enriching for you as an individual.


Our courses and our research is about language on several levels: communication, culture and cognition.


We have a dynamic research environment with projects in several research areas.

Collaborate with us

Our areas of expertise are language, culture and communication, areas that are becoming increasingly important...


Daniel Chartier och Malin Isaksson inleder symposiet.
Gender and sexuality in literature, arts and media

Researchers from Sweden, Canada and France came together to present on a common theme.

Ekaterina Zmyvalova
Sámi children's right to learn their language in Russia

New dissertation by Ekaterina Zmyvalova stems from the need of Sámi childrens right to language education.

En robot som är kvinnligt kodad håller i en bebis. AI-genererad.
AI and Kinship – can a robot be family?

Research project analyses how artificial intelligence is a part of family formations in speculative fiction.


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