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Department of Language Studies

Our teaching and research concern several aspects of language: communication, culture, cognition, and literature. Language studies develop competencies that are sought after in most professions, and that in addition are enriching for you as an individual.


Our courses and our research is about language on several levels: communication, culture and cognition.


We have a dynamic research environment with projects in several research areas.

Collaborate with us

Our areas of expertise are language, culture and communication, areas that are becoming increasingly important...


YUlia Kashevarova, doktorand
Presented psycholinguistics research on multilinguals

Yulia Kashevarova presented previous and current research at Södra Latins gymnasium.

Illustrerad bild av många människor i olika studiesituationer i humanisthuset
Language Programme to promote internationalisation and participation

The Language Programme for staff includes varied activities: courses, language cafés, and operational support.

Doktorand vid Institutionen för språkstudier
Exploring Arctic narratives: PhD research presented at symposium

PhD candidate Lena Leimgruber presented her research on Arctic literature and speculative fiction.