The Umeå Cognitive Science Seminar provides a platform for exchange of ongoing research in cognitive science at Umeå University and facilitates encounters and collaborations between researchers in this area. All interested are welcome to these seminars. No advance registration is needed.
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If you are interested in giving a talk in the series, please contact one of the organisers or members of the scientific committee. Such initiatives are appreciated, and we hope to include a broad range of cognitive science research in the seminar.
Cognitive science
Cognitive science studies how people process, store and transmit information. It includes studies of perception, thinking, action, memory, planning and communication. Studies of how animals and artificial systems process information are also parts of the field, as are studies of how cognitive systems develop or degenerate through learning or aging, in what ways they are constant or variable across cultures, and in what ways they vary with mental health. Disciplines that contribute to this field include, but is not exhausted by, psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, educational science, ethology, anthropology, and psychiatry. Umeå University offers a bachelor programme and master’s programme in cognitive science.