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Image: Ulrika Järvholm

Doctoral studies

The Umeå International School of Public Health offers PhD opportunities in four subjects, namely: 'Epidemiology and Public Health', 'Public Health', 'Family Medicine and Epidemiology' and 'Global Health'

Our division is involved in research and research training in collaboration with a number of universities, departments and NGOs in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the United States, which is an important part of our international profile.
In recent years, about half of our PhD students have been international, with a fairly even distribution of men and women. The majority of our PhD students are recruited from our Masters Programme or from international collaborations.

Within our division, PhD training is largely centred around a specific research project and courses are chosen according to the needs of the project. The course content is individually tailored for each doctoral student.

Several research students also have other affiliations - for example with a clinical department or with universities in another country - and corresponding representation of two or more departments is often found among the advisors to the research students.

Our division is responsible for a major part of the basic research training courses provided by the Medical Faculty.


Study Director/Administration

Latest update: 2021-03-23