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Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine lead parts of research that form the basis for the observatory's work.
A week free from violence is focused on preventing male violence
Abdominal obesity is seven times more common among women than among men in Indonesia's rural area.
The AI-council works in order to strengthen the faculty before a future when AI will play a crucial role.
Adi Utarini is recognized for her fight against Dengue fever.
Read about our activities during 2020!
Hanna Blåhed selected to present her project at the UArctic Congress 2021
Jon Petter Stoor, Department of Epidemiology and Global Health, has been awarded a prize and SEK 176,674.
Dean, Deputy Dean and one Associate Dean appointed at the Faculty of Medicine, for the next term of office.
Climate targets for reduced CO2 emissions set by the European Union call for integrated action in all sectors
Both male and female police officers experience sexual harassment, but females more often as gender-based.
To increase involvement in health systems, decision-makers must be aware of differences in interpretation.
If it’s not done, extreme weather and diseases could hit Europe, states a report from the Lancet Countdown.
New report shows that rising temperatures are exposing people to unacceptably high health risks.
Julia Schröders and her research group will be part of a collaboration with researchers from India.