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News from EMG

The devastating impact of humans on biodiversity
Published: 2025-03-26

Umeå researcher part of study showing that more and more plant and animal species are disappearing worldwide.

Bottniska viken på väg mot övergödning
Published: 2025-03-19

The Gulf of Bothnia is getting eutrophied. This is shown by a study conducted at Umeå Marine Sciences Centre.

KBC Relay 2025 - A new team in town, and amazing costumes
Published: 2025-02-28

The yearly KBC Relay took place again, with colourful costumes and competition from SLU's students

IceLab invites project proposals for postdoctoral fellows
Published: 2025-02-03

Project proposals can be submitted until May 19th and an information session is available February 12th.

Permafrost thaw threatens up to three million people in the Arctic
Published: 2025-01-16

Climate change is expected to have far-reaching implications for livelihoods, infrastructure and environment.

Research for a living Baltic Sea receives funding
Published: 2025-01-09

UMF researchers are granted Baltic Waters funding to study eutrophication and storage of carbon in the Baltic.

New documentary on the challenges of climate research
Published: 2025-01-08

The scientists take viewers on a journey below Rosfjordsvatnet's icecovered surface.

Evaluating new technologies for underwater habitat surveys
Published: 2024-12-19

Comparing ROV with diving in underwater surveys.

New stress response modeling research school open and recruiting
Published: 2024-12-19

IceLab launches the Stress Response Modeling Graduate Research School with five PhD positions now available.

Building Bridges Between the Alps and the Arctic
Published: 2024-12-16

Arctic climate, tourism, and Sami research for sustainability were presented to the Swiss embassy.

Applying Network Science to Networking at IceLab Days
Published: 2024-11-21

IceLab members turned network science inwards to visualize research overlaps during their annual meeting.

David Wardle on the list of the world's most cited researchers
Published: 2024-11-20

David Wardle's research on ecosystems is highly influential in the field.

Mixed forests reduce the risk of forest damage in a warmer climate
Published: 2024-11-20

Extensive study examines damage to Swedish trees and how the forest industry can become more profitable.

KBC DAYS strengthens interdisciplinary collaboration
Published: 2024-11-15

Researchers and staff from infrastructures and industry shared ideas and results under the theme sensing.

Environmental science students reviewed sustainability on campus
Published: 2024-11-07

Environmental science students have explored various aspects of sustainability on campus.

Recreated UK river inspires in Sweden
Published: 2024-10-29

Scientists made wildlife flourish by creating new wetlands.

Inland waters crucial for accurate climate assessments
Published: 2024-09-30

Not accounting for carbon fluxes between land and water leads to incorrect climate assessments.

Joint field work furthers research on chemicals in Arctic waters
Published: 2024-09-18

A research group conducted joint field work with USA in Abisko and Lake Torneträsk to collect HNP samples.

Two young researchers receive ERC Starting Grant
Published: 2024-09-05

ERC Starting Grants is a research programme that support promising young researchers.

Herbivorous insects have major impact on forests
Published: 2024-08-07

Major global study shows that insect herbivory plays a significant role in carbon and nutrient cycling.

36’000 tea bags explain global decomposition pattern on new web
Published: 2024-07-03

Tea bags buried in soil worldwide show decomposition rates in different soil types.

IceLab kickoff conference propels stress response research
Published: 2024-06-18

Kickoffen för Stress Response Modeling vid IceLab den 10-11 juni innebar en lovande start för det nya centret.

Umeå University's Arctic Five Chairs Announced
Published: 2024-06-17

Umeå university has received five new Arctic Five Chairs 2024-2026.

Science and creativity explored on Arctic doctoral field trip
Published: 2024-05-24

Doctoral students at the Arctic Graduate School went on a doctoral course and field trip to Rovaniemi.

Skogsungdomarna learn about the history of the northern forest
Published: 2024-05-16

On April 27, 2024, Skogsungdomarna organised a forest history excursion in Kulbäcksliden for their members.

Finalist for prestigious climate research prize
Published: 2024-04-23

For the second year in a row, a Umeå University researcher is a finalist for the Frontiers Planet Prize.

Unique field study on fire-impacted forests
Published: 2024-04-19

During the unusually dry year of 2018, Sweden was hit by numerous forest fires.

Understanding climate warming impacts on carbon release from the tundra
Published: 2024-04-17

A new major study shows that the effects of climate change could be stronger than previously thought.

Keith Larson Awarded the Iwan Bolin Prize
Published: 2024-04-16

Keith Larson at the Arctic Centre is the 2024 recipient of the Iwan Bolin Prize.

IceLab opens project call for shared postdoctoral fellows
Published: 2024-04-10

Project proposals can be submitted until May 27th and an information session is available April 29th.

Latest update: 2018-12-05