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Bild på kirurgiteamet som utför kirurgi.

Image: Pixabay


Surgery is the medical practice of curing and relieving diseases through manual interventions in the body. We conduct research and training in various surgical fields, including traumatology, vascular surgery, cancer surgery and abdominal wall surgery. By opening, repairing or removing, we restore health and enable a better life. Surgery is a dynamic discipline that is constantly evolving to meet the complex needs of the changing landscape of the human body.

Our aim is to

  • To provide researchers and research supervisors with a favourable environment in which to conduct nationally and internationally competitive surgical research.
  • to train postgraduate students
  • to provide students with knowledge of the diagnosis, treatment and documentation of surgical conditions.
  • maintain strong links with the Surgical Centre at Norrland University Hospital and with other surgical clinics in the region

We work closely with the Surgical Centre and the surgical care they provide, both in terms of research and training.


Knowledge Centre in Disaster Medicine

The Knowledge Centre in Disaster Medicine (KcKM) is a research group working in separate premises on the campus (KBC building). Developed together with the National Board of Health and Welfare, KcKM aims to conduct research on disaster medicine and train emergency services and ambulance personnel to provide the best possible care to people affected by serious accidents. Find out more about KcKM's activities through the link below.

Knowledge Centre for Disaster Medicine

The Knowledge Centre in Disaster Medicine (KcKM) is a centre f knowledge in the field of disaster medicine. We...

Latest update: 2024-07-05