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Image: Elin Berge

Doctoral studies (PhD) – Department of Computing Science

Welcome to a dynamic and inspiring environment where you can develop your ideas and knowledge within your area of interest. As a doctoral student, you will be invited to join one of our research groups, of whom many are working in close collaboration with business and industry.

Director of PhD studies

Are you interested to learn more and deepen your knowledge of a particular field of study? The Department of Computing Science is a dynamic environment with around 140 employees representing more than 20 countries worldwide. We offer programs for doctoral studies in Computing Science and Computational Science and Engineering. Look out for announcements of open PhD student positions now.

How to Become a Doctoral Student

In Sweden, a doctoral student is usually an employee of the department. This is regulated by Swedish law, which also limits the time for doctoral studies to 4 years (48 months, full time).

If other duties such as teaching are included in the position, this time is extended proportionally. 

Announcement of Open Positions

All open positions for doctoral students are required to be publicly announced. You can find our announcements of open positions here. 


You need at least 240 ECTS credits of completed university studies (four years of full-time studies), including at least 90 ECTS credits of courses within Computer Science. Further requirements are listed in the announcements.

Your application should make clear why you are specifically well qualified for doctoral studies in the area the position is targeted on, and what your motivation is for pursuing doctoral studies.

Form of Studies

Doctoral studies are characterized by a high degree of freedom. They include both taking individually selected courses and thesis work.

Our goal is that every doctoral student is a member of an active research group consisting of researchers in different stages of their scientific careers who can help each other by providing input and inspiration.

The most usual type of doctoral thesis in Sweden is the cumulative thesis, consisting of several published research articles centered around a common question or research problem. However, it is also possible to write a monograph.

Doctoral Student Day

The Doctoral Student Day is held once every semester. It's an opportunity for you to present your research to the rest of the department and others who are interested. The Doctoral Student Day has become a very much appreciated event. The meeting with others, from a large number of different countries gives rise to both dialogue and meaningful exchange. Many times this also results in collaborations with researchers at other faculties and universities and external partners.

Defending your thesis

The final highlight of your doctoral studies is defending your thesis, (disputera, in Swedish). In this ceremony, you will be engaged in a scientific dialogue with a specialist in your field, the so-called opponent.

A grading committee then decides upon the outcome, which can be either pass or fail.

Read more

If you are interested to know more, please go to Faculty of Science and Technology where you also will find our latest published thesis. You can also follow the links down below.

Don't hesitate to contact the Study Director for post-graduate studies, if you have any questions.

If you are already admitted, you can find more information about doctoral studies on our department's intranet

Welcome to our department!

Latest update: 2018-12-04