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I am a PhD student in Annasara Lenman’s lab. My research focus on trying to understand the role of hyaluronic acid during and after infection with Puumala virus.
I am a PhD student in Anna Överby's lab that aims to discover how Tick-borne encephalitids virus (TBEV) is capable of overcomming the host defenses and cause inflammation in the brain.
Professor in Infectious diseases at Umeå University and Senior Consultant in Infectious diseases and in Infection prevention and control at Region Västerbotten in Sweden.
Amyloid Fibrils and Cytotoxic Oligomers
Professor in Clinical Microbiology
Senior consultant (attending) physician in Clinical Microbiology
Research assistant in Anne-Marie Fors Connolly's group. Her work focuses on complications of COVID-19 in registry-based studies.
Professor of immunology with focus on viral infections
Associate Professor and resident in Clinical Microbiology. Researches acute and long-term complications following infections using whole-population data. Founder of the Clinical Research Network
High resolution human gut microbiota research.
We study disease mechanisms in the Puumala virus infection and COVID-19, in order to understand disease mechanisms and be able to develop future treatment.
I explore innate immune responses against microbial pathogens. Our team aims to exploit new immunological insight to develop new diagnostic tools and antimicrobial therapies.
I am a postdoc in Marta Bally’s group at the Department of Clinical Microbiology. My research focuses on the kinetics of the early interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and the cell surface.
My research is on host-pathogen interactions under hypoxic conditions and neutrophil responses in COVID-19.
Staff Scientist
Department of Clinical Microbiology
I am a professor of organic chemistry and my research group looks for new solutions for infectious and neurodegenerative diseases. I am director of the Umeå Center for Microbial Research, UCMR.
Freja has a background as a medical doctor and ecologist, with a particular interest in the Arctic. She is a PhD student in Infectious Disease Epidemiology in Magnus Evander’s group.
I am PhD student in Mattias Forsell’s group. My doctoral study will focus on the dynamics of B cells after viral infection and vaccination.
I am a postdoc in Laura Carroll research group.
Hanna Jerndal is a medical doctor working in Anne-Marie Fors Connolly’s group. Her work is focusing on complications to COVID-19 in both register based and clinical cohort studies.
I work as a research coordinator at Umeå Centre of Microbial Research, UCMR.
Postdoc in Johan Henriksson lab.
Works on a method development for the single cell measurement of telomere length. Interested in transposons, evolution and immunity.
Associate Professor of Biomedical Laboratory Science
Docent in Medical Microbiology
Department administrator.
I´m an infectious diseases clinician and associate professor at the university. My research experience is in host immunological and metabolomic responses to acute infections and vaccination.
I work as a physician at the infectious disease clinic and as an Assistant professor at the university. My research is about Clostridioides difficile infection, Puumala virus infection, and COVID-19.
I am a PhD student in Laura Carroll’s group. My research focuses on the annotation and clustering of biosynthetic gene clusters from various microbiomes.
Professor of Immunology
Deputy Dean of Medical Faculty
Study administrator (independent courses)
Doctoral education administrator
Assistant university lecturer
I am a PhD student in Mattias Forsell's research group at the Department of Clinical Microbiology. My research focuses on the adaptive immune system after infection and vaccination.
Professor in Virology. Research mainly on zoonotic viruses and work with studying how they infect and develop antiviral drugs
I am a postdoc in Marta Bally’s group at the Department of Clinical Microbiology. I investigate the interaction of coronaviruses and filoviruses with the cell surface.
Marie is a PhD student in Anna Överby’s group. Her research focuses on identifying and understanding the role of cellular proteins in the flavivirus life cycle.
Associate Professor of Virology
Deputy Director of the Umeå Center for Microbial Research, UCMR.
We characterize how human B cells in circulation and tissues are affected by underlying disease.
PhD student in the Olivia Wesula Lwande lab. Maud studies the vector competence of mosquitoes for different mosquito-borne diseases, for example O’nyong-nyong virus and Usutu virus.
Micael is a associate professor in clinical microbiology at Umeå University and a Senior Consultant in Infectious Diseases.
I’m a staff scientist in Constantin Urban’s group at the Department of Clinical Microbiology. My research mainly focuses on Nutritional Immunity applied by neutrophils.
Virus-host cell interactions: implications for tropism, treatment, and targeting
My research focuses on the virus-mosquito and mosquito-host interactions. Now, I have my own research group and I am passionate about research, teaching and mentorship.
Professor in Biomedical Laboratory Science.
My research interest is the metabolism of hyaluronan in inflammation and tissue growth.
PhD in Clinical Neurophysiology
Associate professor in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Assistant Head of Department
PhD student in Laura Carroll lab. My research focuses on genomic pathogen surveillance, risk assessment and bioprospecting of bacterial species.
Head of administration and human resources.
Vincent Rusanganwa is postdoctoral researcher in Magnus Evander’ Group. His research interest is the combination of health systems and infectious diseases’ epidemiology.
I am a postdoc in Laura Carroll's group. My research focuses on between-host transmission of Non-typhoidal Salmonella species and the mobility of their associated antibiotic resistance genes.
Associated professor in Biomedical Laboratory Science
Recognised university teachar and licensed Biomedical Scientist
I am researching to find small molecules that can be developed into new drugs against infections. Specifically, I focus on molecules that have an effect on chlamydia bacteria.