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Alexandra Aveling
Alona Lansky
Alva Abrahamsson
Andras Gorzsas

Manager, Vibrational Spectroscopy Core Facility (ViSp)


Group Leader at SciLifeLab

Andre Mateus

Focus on mapping protein function in human gut microbiome species using proteomics and systems biology.

André Ohlin

My research focuses on the behaviour of metal oxide materials, such as polyoxometalates, at the interface with water and other small molecules. See http://moleculargeo.chem.umu.se/ohlin/

Andreas Eriksson

I am a PhD student within the Industrial Doctoral School at Umeå University.

Andrey Shchukarev

My research field is chemistry and physics of surface and interfaces, especially in aqueous media, studied by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. I am manager of the XPS Platform.

Andriy Rebryk

My research focuses on development of mass spectrometry-based non-target screening methods for various environmental matrices.

Angelo Sebaaly
Anna Eriksson
Annika Persson
Benny Björkblom

Scientist at the Department of Chemistry

Bolor Buyanbadrakh

Bolor is a biochemist working in André Mateus´s group. She got a in Kempe Postdoc Fellowship to investigate interaction between human gut microbes species.

Britta From
Camilla Enberg
Camilla Jonsson
Carlos Martín
Chaojun Tang
Christian Hedberg

I am a professor of organic chemistry.

Christiane Funk

My research focuses on plant proteases as well as the possibility to use Nordic microalgae for wastewater reclamation and biomass generation.


Claes Persson
Claudia Quineche
Dale Corkery
David Nilsson
Deepika Jaiman
Dennis Svedberg
Dmitry Shevela

Application of gas isotope ratio mass spectrometry in photosynthesis and geochemistry research areas. For more information, visit our webpage: http://irms.chem.umu.se/

Dmytro Sokol

I'm a PhD student in biochemistry in Madeleine Ramsted’s group studying multispecies bacterial biofilm metabolites of clinical bacteria from catheters and marine bacteria producing antibiotics

Edvin Forsgren

PhD student in computational sciences with a background in Engineering Physics

Research focus: developing tools that combine chemometrics and machine learning to improve drug discovery

Elisabeth Baland

I am a PhD in Andre Mateus lab since June 2022. My project focuses on using biophysical proteomics approaches to study carbohydrate metabolism in gut microbiome species.

Biological macromolecular crystallography

Emelie Boström
Erik Björn

We study how the chemical structure of metal compounds control mechanisms and kinetics for reactions which are central for the cycling of metals in the environment.

Erik Chorell

I work as associate professor at the Department of Chemistry, which includes research, teaching and infrastructure responsibility linked to Life Science and chemical biology.

Erik Ånger
Erin Schexnaydre
Eva Weidemann
Farina Tariq
Frank Van Rijn
Fredrik Almqvist

I am a professor of organic chemistry and my research group looks for new solutions for infectious and neurodegenerative diseases. I am director of the Umeå Center for Microbial Research, UCMR.

Fredrik Orädd
Georgia Vergou
Gergö Mótyán
Gerhard Gröbner

Professor of biophysical chemistry and responsible for the national NMR infrastructure. Researches biological membranes with a focus on proteins involved in cell death. Leads Biological Chemistry.

Helena Glenge
Henrik Antti

I am head of the Department of Chemistry. I am a professor in bioinformatics and my research areas are chemometrics and metabolomics.

Hussein Haggag
Ilona Dudka
Irina Shchukareva
Jane Corwin

I am studying the assembly of pathogenic viruses using structural biology and biochemistry approaches.

Jean-Francois Boily

Molecular Geochemistry. Experimental and theoretical studies of Earth's crust and atmosphere, and outer space.  My webpage: http://moleculargeo.chem.umu.se/boily/

Jens Stens
Jerker Fick
Joakim Bygdell
Joana Goncalves
Joao Figueira
Johan Trygg

Research focus on advanced data analytics and chemometrics where large-scale ('omics) datasets are used to understand, prevent and treat human diseases to achieve improved global health.

Johan Unge
Jonna Mattsson
Junyi Zhao
Jyri-Pekka Mikkola

Prof. Jyri-Pekka Mikkola is a professor in Technical chemistry at both Umeå University, Sweden and Åbo Akademi University, Finland since 2008

Jörgen Ådén
Karina Persson

Researches how bacteria bind to other bacteria and how some secrete toxins during infection and the reactions this leads to. I am affiliated with Integrated Structural Biology and UCMR.

Kate Bennett

Research Coordinator at the Department of Chemistry and Platform Manager at the Computational Analytics Support Platform (CASP).

Kia Skalin

My research is primarily about antibiotics - both synthesising antimicrobial compounds against Gram-positive bacteria and investigating their mechanism of action.

Laura Herzog
Lena Manzhynski

My research focuses on polymeric PFAS as potential risk chemicals, where I investigate their fate and persistence in the environment through experimental and computational methods.

Lennart Wänting
Linda Sandblad

Project: Cell biology - Structure, assembly and cellular organization of the cytoskeleton

MIMS Team Leader

Director of Umeå Centre for Electron Microscopy

Linda Zetterholm
Lisa Lundin

Lisa Lundin is an associate professor in Environmental Chemistry and program manager for the graduate engineering program in Technical Chemistry and the University program for process operator.

Lonneke Hoffmanns

PhD student in Andre Mateus' lab since October 2024. Focused on characterizing the structure and biosynthesis of O-glycans in Bacteroidota species.

Lorene Gonnin

I am a postdoc fellow in Linda Sandblad’s research group. I am investigating viral replication in cells infected with negative-strand RNA viruses using electron tomography.

Madeleine Ramstedt

My research deals with bacterial interactions with surfaces

Madeleine Vesterlund
Madhavi Latha Gandla
Magdalena Vikdahl
Magnus Andersson

In my lab, we use both experimental (time-resolved X-ray scattering) and computational (MD simulations) techniques to understand membrane protein functionality.

Magnus Holmgren
Magnus Wolf-Watz

 Professor in biophysical chemistry.

Malin Linder Nording
Marco Bassani
Maria Hjelt
Maria Sapounidou

My research interests focus on identifying chemicals of concern relevant to human and environmental health, by employing current and developing new computational methodologies. 

Maria Svensson

Education coordinator for the Department of Chemistry

Marie Lycksell

Post-doc at the Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, and long-term visitor at Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France. Studies membrane proteins using small-angle scattering and simulations.

Martin Edlund
Mattias Hedenström

Staff scientist working at the NMR spectroscopy platform


Max Renner
Maxime Donzel
Merve Yesilbas

I explore water's role in sustaining life and its potential for human exploration on Mars using spectroscopy to advance planetary geochemistry and astrobiology.

Michael Holmboe
Mikael Elofsson

Dean Faculty of Science and Technology

My Hägglund
Naser Tavajohi

We are striving to develop new generation of materials that will redefine the future of separation science, setting the stage for the next era of innovation.

Nathan Lavazuelle
Niklas Söderholm
Nils Hauff


Omotayo Sindiku
Oscar Montén
Pardeep Singh
Patricia Morejón-Garcia

I am a postdoctoral fellow in Yaowen Wu’s group. My research focus on the study of the autophagy process underlying the STING pathway activation.


Patrik Andersson

My research aims at developing methods for identifying chemicals of environmental and human health concern and to explore their mode of action by combining computational and experimental tools.

Per Liljelind

I assist with chemical expertise and support as an administrator for the program for Chemical Management at the University, and I work at the Trace Analysis Platform with chemical analysis by GC/MS.

Per Rogne
Pol Cuesta Turull
Rabindra Nath Das
Rebecca Forsberg

I am a science communicator for SciLifeLab Site Umeå and the Chemical Biological Centre (KBC).

Rogers Swai
Rosita Lundberg

I have overall responsibility for the department’s administrative support functions, including finance, human resources, education and student affairs, communication, and general administration.

Rupesh Balaji Jayachandran

PhD student in Max Renner's group at the Department of Chemistry, studying the replication machinery of pneumo- and henipaviruses using cryo-EM.

Sakina Khwaja
Samuel Agyei Nyantakyi

Staff Scientist in Fredrik Almqvist lab within UCMR. Researches safe and potent small molecules based on a 2-pyridone core, against a panel of single stranded RNA viruses.

Former Excellence by Choice postdoctoral fellow

Sandra Behren

I am a post-doc working in Mikael Elofsson's group in the Department of Chemistry. My research focuses on the synthesis of antiviral small molecules and glycoconjugates.

Santosh Govind Khokarale
Sara Sandin
Sara Spjut
Shaochun Zhu
Shokat Sarmad
Shuang Li

I’m a postdoctoral fellow in Yaowen Wu’s group. My research interest is on study the function of ESCRT complex by using chemical genetic approaches.

Sofie Söderlund
Solomon Tesfalidet

I am analytical chemist with background in spectrometry and am currently focusing on electrochemistry and development of electroanalytical methods.

Stefan Stagge
Stina Jansson

My research is mainly focused on thermal treatment of biomass and other organic materials and waste fractions, from an environmental chemistry perspective.

Stina Lindqvist
Suresh Banjara

I am a postdoc in Linda Sandblads lab. I use Cryo-EM techniques to explore the architecture of the extracellular matrix surrounding mammalian egg cells.

Tanvir Shaikh
Thibaut Cossart
Thilde Andersson
Tobias Hainzl
Trung Nguyen

I study the deliquescence of Martian analogs of clays and salts by using Dynamic Vapour Sorption and Cryo-FTIR/Raman. My goal is to find potential water resources for future human missions to Mars.

Ulrika Westerlind

My group is interested in chemical glycobiology.


Uwe Sauer

I m head of the Protein Expertise Platform (PEP).

Van Minh Dinh

Our research is on design of materials and catalytic systems, especially ones related to biomass resources, biopolymers, ionic liquids, and heterogeneous catalysts.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1473-6812

Victor Hellgren

I am a PhD student working on developing novel antibiotics towards gram-positive bacteria.

Victor Pinedo

I am a postdoctoral researcher in André Mateus' group at the Department of Chemistry. My research focuses on the functional characterization of Archaea present in the microbiome using proteomics.

William Siljebo
Yaowen Wu

Our lab is interested in understanding the molecular mechanism of autophagy and membrane trafficking regulated by small GTPases by developing novel chemical and chemo-optogenetic approaches.

Zheng Guo

I am a PhD student in Ulrika Westerlind’s research group. I work on the synthesis and biological exploration of glycopeptides.

Latest update: 2023-09-28