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This spring, nearly 140 high school students from natural science programs visit Umeå University.
The yearly KBC Relay took place again, with colourful costumes and competition from SLU's students
Niklas Eklund took over as Director of the European CBRNE Center at the beginning of the year.
SciLifeLab site Umeå celebrates 16 new Group Leaders with cake and a get-together.
The conference aims to promote collaboration between academia and industry and drive innovation.
Doctoral student Andreas Eriksson experienced cultural differences at the Sartorius research lab.
UCMR Day is an opportunity to increase international visibility by inviting talented keynote speakers.
With Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, most of laboratory research came to a halt.
Professor Yaowen Wu's lab is at the forefront of developing chemo-optogenetic systems.
Aims to increase collaboration between academia and the sector when it comes to “safe” use of chemicals