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The Department of Chemistry is one of the largest departments at the faculty of Science and Technology with more than 220 employees.
Read more about the research at the department
Information on infrastructures and platforms at the department.
Here you find a list of courses in chemistry.
Here you find programmes in Chemistry.
Information on doctoral studies in chemistry.
Here you can find course evaluations of Chemistrys courses
This spring, nearly 140 high school students from natural science programs visit Umeå University.
The yearly KBC Relay took place again, with colourful costumes and competition from SLU's students
Niklas Eklund took over as Director of the European CBRNE Center at the beginning of the year.
Seminar. The Integrated Science Lab invites you to meet, and explore collaboration opportunities with, Tanvir Shaikh and Ryo Morimoto.
Seminar. Discover the programme’s benefits, understand the eligibility criteria, and get tips for a strong application – for both researchers and supervisors.
Defence of doctoral thesis. Decoding lignin in Swedish aspen: Paths to Better Feedstocks and Resilient Trees.
Department of Chemistry is one of the largest departments at Umeå University. It has about 220 employees, as w...