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The Department of Chemistry is one of the largest departments at the faculty of Science and Technology with more than 220 employees.
Read more about the research at the department
Information on infrastructures and platforms at the department.
Here you find a list of courses in chemistry.
Here you find programmes in Chemistry.
Information on doctoral studies in chemistry.
Here you can find course evaluations of Chemistrys courses
The conference aims to promote collaboration between academia and industry and drive innovation.
Doctoral student Andreas Eriksson experienced cultural differences at the Sartorius research lab.
UCMR Day is an opportunity to increase international visibility by inviting talented keynote speakers.
Seminar. Thomas Wieloch presents a seminar in IceLab titled 'Modelling metabolic fluxes in plants under stress' February 24th at 13:00.
Conference. The event brings together the academia, industry, and region to nurture collaborations.
Seminar. Yanjun Zan presents 'Genetics of phenotype plasticity provide insight into complex traits variation and evolution' in IceLab February 25, 13h.
Department of Chemistry is one of the largest departments at Umeå University. It has about 220 employees, as w...