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Research groups

Applied Optics
Combustion diagnostics, exhaled breath gas analysis and chemical imaging.
Biomedical Engineering
Medical imaging, physiological pressure and flow measurements, biomedical signal analysis.
Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Physics
CMTF is a network connecting research groups from several departments at Umeå University and Luleå University of Technology. The aim to coordinate...
Cooperative and intelligent embedded systems
Today we see a revolution in the use of artificial intelligence and autonomous systems, where machines that will facilitate both our work and our...
Designing Cycles at 64° - Interior Landscapes and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Designing Cycles and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus at 64° works towards turning the built environment and its inhabitants from being consumers to...
Research area: Architecture
Digital Media Lab (DML)
Media and Interaction Technology is a constantly growing field with real-life applications of high sustainable value. Our main focus is always valu...
Embedded System Group (ESL)
The research environment covers activities within electrical and system engineering, applied physics, and biomedical engineering.
Energy Efficiency
The goal for this group is increasingly effective use of our limited resources required for sustainable development, both locally and globally.
Intelligent Human-Buildings Interaction Lab
Intelligent Human-Buildings Interactions lab (IHBI) at Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, Umeå University, aims to explore the...
Materials Engineering
Material development and characterization regarding composition and performance.
Robotics and Control Lab (RCLab)
In the Robotics and Control Group (RCLab) at TFE, we focus on development of mathematical models for real-world systems and on their constructive use.
Thermochemical Energy Conversion Laboratory (TEC-Lab)
The research area is within thermochemical energy conversion, mainly focusing on biomass but also on other solid and liquid fuels. The fundamental...
Research area: Energy engineering