We wish to cooperate with companies, organizations and individuals.
Our contribution to society, firms, and companies is knowledge. Collaboration can happen in a number of ways, e.g.:
Students at our department have a project course where a company is involved
Our researchers collaborate with industry in research projects
After many years of research, one result can be a spin-off company,
A company's need for enhancing certain skills among its employees can be met by our department
Students do their thesis work in some company
The student union organizes recruitment days for students
Classes from lower grade schools visit our department to learn about technology
A town in Northern Sweden needs trained personnel within a technical field
Staff members exchange experiences in international projects
So, the different ways to interact with us are many.
We want it to be easy to work with Umeå University. We are open to requests and proposals, offering customized solutions and the possibility of influencing how training and education is shaped and where it takes place. As a guide, look at the University webpage, which says: "It is easy to cooperate with Umeå University"