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Collaborate with us

We wish to cooperate with companies, organizations and individuals.

Our contribution to society, firms, and companies is knowledge. Collaboration can happen in a number of ways, e.g.:

  • Students at our department have a project course where a company is involved
  • Our researchers collaborate with industry in research projects
  • After many years of research, one result can be a spin-off company,
  • A company's need for enhancing certain skills among its employees can be met by our department
  • Students do their thesis work in some company
  • The student union organizes recruitment days for students
  • Classes from lower grade schools visit our department to learn about technology
  • A town in Northern Sweden needs trained personnel within a technical field
  • Staff members exchange experiences in international projects

So, the different ways to interact with us are many.

We want it to be easy to work with Umeå University. We are open to requests and proposals, offering customized solutions and the possibility of influencing how training and education is shaped and where it takes place. As a guide, look at the University webpage, which says: "It is easy to cooperate with Umeå University"


Agneta Bränberg
Alexandre Salou
Amanda Vikström
Anders Eklund

Eklund is a professor of medical engineering with a research focus on biofluid mechanical applications in clinical neuroscience and ophthalmology.

Anders Tellné
Anders Wåhlin
Anders Åstrand
Anjan Rao Puttige
Anna Strandberg

My research concerns bioenergy and resource recovery. I am studying biochar and ashes from residual streams with respect to water and soil applications and nutrient recycling.

Anton Ljungberg Svallfors
Benjamin Ahlgren
Bodil Wilhelmsson
Bokai Liu
Britt Andersson

My research interests are in the areas of materials science, applied physics and biomedical technology. 

Charlie Ma

Senior research engineer carrying out research activities aimed at reducing carbon emissions and improving sustainable energy utilisation.

Christoffer Boman

Sustainable bioenergy and biomaterials from residual streams and industrial by-products via high-temperature processes.

Elias Sundström
Elin Berglund
Emil Eriksson
Emma Forsgren
Erik Eklund
Erik Steinvall
Florian Schmidt

Professor in Applied Physics with focus on laser spectroscopy in combustion science, medical diagnostics and chemical imaging. Assistant Head of Department and Director of Doctoral Studies.

Ida Backlund
Jeenu Jegy
Jenny Eliasson

Department administrator.

Jenny Granholm
Jinyan Liu
José Aguirre Castillo
Julia Thuresson
Keni Ren

Researcher in Precision livestock farming: focus on sensors and data analysis. Teacher in the interaction design field.

Kristina Kunert

Research topics: Internet of Things (IoT), dependable and energy-efficient wireless communication, autonomous vehicles, distributed artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent environments.

Leonid Freidovich

I am interested in using analytical mechanics and mathematical theory of nonlinear control systems to develop new algorithms for designing controllers for robotics and automation.

Li Liu
Linda Pommer

I work with teaching and as study director. I also work as a coordinator at the Industrial Doctoral School.

Lukas Larsson
Markus Broström

Professor working with research and education in energy technology and thermal process chemistry.

Matias Eriksson

Director of Centre for Sustainable Cement and Quicklime Production

Max Yan

Interested in wave phenomena (light, also mechanical) in complex material, and their applications. Courses: Physics, FEM, control theory, Python. Current research: hollow optical fiber for telecom.

Nils Skoglund

My research focuses on resource recovery integration in renewable energy systems where X-ray analytical techniques, both at the university and at synchrotrons, play a significant role.

Ola Ågren
Ole Norberg

In my position as, Associate Professor in Media technology I do research and education in the field of Interaction Design. Most of my research activities are done in close cooperation with companies.

Pengju Liu
Per Hallberg

I am head of the research infrastructure Biomedical Engineering – Research and Development at the University hospital and also director for the Center of Biomedical Enginering and Physics, CMTF.


Petter Holmlund

I work with research in Biomedical Engineering, with focus on cerebrospinal fluid and cerebral blood flow dynamics. I work as a teacher mainly in Biofluid mechanics and Control system theory.

Pontus Söderström

I'm a PhD student in applied physics and the aim of my thesis is to develop and improve methods in MRI to examine early signs of impaired vascular function.

Staffan Grundberg
Stig Byström

Main areas I work with include Computer Communication, Analog Electronics and Project Management.

Sven Berg
Thomas Mejtoft

Thomas Mejtoft is an Associate Professor of Media Technology at Umeå University.

Tobias Wikman
Tomas Nordström

My research focuses on enabling technologies for "intelligent embedded systems" and how many such systems can best work together to create robust and efficient "systems of intelligent systems".

Tove Thunstedt
Truong Nguyen

Truong Nguyen has been appointed as associate professor in energy engineering. He has more than 20 years of experience in energy process, energy technology and energy system analysis.

Ulrik Söderström

I am Associate Professor in Media Technology, assistant Program manager for the MSc program in Interaction and Design and a researcher in the Digital Media Lab research group.

Weizhuo Lu

Professor with a focus on sustainable built environment and director of the Intelligent Human-Buildings Interactions lab (IHBI)

Latest update: 2018-12-12