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Request for public document from the SweSAT

Here you will find information about public documents and how to proceed if you want to request a public document.

Public documents

Results from the SweSAT are stored in a database (SweSAT register) and the possibility of accessing these results is regulated, among other things, in the Freedom of the Press Ordinance, TF (1949:105), the Public Access and Confidentiality Act, OSL (2009:400), the EU Data Protection Regulation, Act with supplementary provisions to the EU Data Protection Regulation (2018:218), the Fees Ordinance (1992:191) and Umeå University's "Regulations for charging fees for copies of public documents in electronic form" (Dnr: FS 1.1-923-16).

A request for disclosure of public documents (or information therein) shall be considered by the authority, regardless of the time of and scope of the request, and regardless of who is behind the request. The disclosure review includes, on the one hand, examining whether the document is public, and on the other hand, whether there is confidentiality that prevents the document or parts of it from being disclosed. A document is public if it is kept by an authority and is to be considered as having been received by or created by that authority (Chapter 2, 4 § of the Act on the Protection of Personal Data).

Since the results of the SweSAT are computer-stored data, there are no physical documents containing such data. A request for the results of the SweSAT therefore involves a request for a compilation of computer-stored data, a so-called potential document. A compilation of computer-stored data is considered to be kept by the authority if the authority can make the compilation available by means of routine measures. In case law, it has been considered that a work effort of 4–6 hours goes beyond what can be considered to constitute routine measures (Supreme Administrative Court (HFD) case no. 4266-14). Against this background, Umeå University's assessment is that a work effort of up to four hours falls within the concept of routine measures.

A request for information from the SweSAT register in principle always involves a request for personal data. If the document or information requested contains personal data, Umeå University must decide whether the recipient's processing of the data is compatible with the EU Data Protection Regulation or with any statute supplementing the EU Data Protection Regulation. Confidentiality applies to the data if the disclosure may result in the personal data being processed in violation of the EU Data Protection Regulation or the supplementary Data Protection Act (Chapter 21, 7 § of the Swedish Data Protection Act). The processing referred to is the processing of the personal data by the recipient after the data has been disclosed. This means that Umeå University may need to ask the recipient how the processed personal data will be used.

A request for access to a public document connected to the SweSAT activities at the Department of Applied Educational Sciences, Umeå University, is handled by one of the employees within the SweSAT project who has access to the document. If the document or parts of it is not disclosed on the grounds that it is not public or that it is subject to confidentiality, the person who requested the document has the right to have the matter examined by the authority (Chapter 6, 3 §, OSL), which in the case of Umeå University means the university director.

In addition to the obligation to provide public documents, Umeå University is obliged to disclose information from public documents, unless there is an obstacle due to confidentiality or with regard to the proper course of work (Chapter 6, 4 §, OSL). A decision under this provision is not appealable.

Application form

A request for information is a request to obtain public documents. Use the form to submit your request.

1. Describe your enquiry. 

2. The information is usually provided in paper format. We therefore need a physical address to which we will post the information. Exceptions can be made for individual documents.

3. Cost: The first nine pages are free, the tenth page costs 50 SEK and then 2 SEK for each additional page. Any postage costs will be added. If you are requesting the information as an organization, we need your organization number plus invoice address to send the invoice. If you are contacting us as a private individual, we need your personal identification number for invoicing.

Individual persons result on the SweSAT

* = required field

The university is a government agency. Messages you send here are saved and become a public document. Read about how we handle personal data at Processing of personal data.

Other enquiries regarding the SweSAT

* = required field

The university is a government agency. Messages you send here are saved and become a public document. Read about how we handle personal data at Processing of personal data.

Latest update: 2025-01-17