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Expert list: CRISPR-Cas9


Oliver Billker - professor and director of MIMS

Area of expertise and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
His research is about better understanding the biology of the malaria parasite and how they interact with the mosquitoes that transmit them. He uses CRISPR-Cas9 technology to genetically modify malaria parasites.

Can tell about MIMS as an excellent research environment. He has been the director of MIMS since October 2018.

Phone +46 72 219 28 03

Oliver Billker
Research fellow, professor

Anders Sjöstedt - professor of clinical bacteriology. Department of Clinical Microbiology

Area of expertise and relationship with Emmanuelle Charpentier
Was deputy director of MIMS when Emmanuelle Charpentier was recruited. Can describe Emmanuelle Charpentier's results from a scientific perspective and MIMS as an excellent research environment.

Anders Sjöstedt
Professor, senior consultant (attending) physician

Bernt Eric Uhlin - senior professor of medical microbiology

Area of expertise and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
Can describe Emmanuelle Charpentier's results from a scientific perspective and UCMR as an excellent research environment where MIMS is included.

He was the director of the UCMR Center of Excellence (2005-2019) and MIMS (2007-2018) and was responsible for the recruitment of Charpentier to MIMS where she made her groundbreaking discovery.

Phone +46 70 675 73 44

Yaowen Wu - professor and director of UCMR

Area of expertise and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
He develops new chemical methods to modify proteins or manipulate gene function in the context of biological systems with a particular focus on molecular mechanisms of membrane trafficking and autophagy.

He is combining CRISPR-Cas9 and novel chemo-optogenetic technologies to edit genes by light, which has potential for precision therapy.

Phone +46 70 206 75 89

Yaowen Wu

Researchers in molecular biology and medicine

David Cisneros - Senior Research Engineer, Department of Molecular Biology

Area of expertise and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
Can describe Emmanuelle Charpentier's results from a scientific perspective. David teaches students about genetic modification using CRISPR-Cas9.

Phone +46 73 800 54 36

Johan  Henriksson - Research fellow at Department of Molecular Biology and MIMS

Area of expertise and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
Uses CRISPR-Cas9 for advanced molecular biology such as screening for genes of importance for the immune system, and for synthetic biology.

Phone: +46 072 727 29 24

Jonas von Hovsten - associate professor at Department of Integrative Medical Biology 

Area of expertise and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
Is responsible for the Umeå Zebrafish Facility, where several research groups work practically with genetic scissors in their respective projects. In his own research, he uses the CRISPR-Cas9 technology to mutate genes that are important for muscle development and regeneration. He also studies how these mutations affect the growth and spread of muscle tumors.

Phone: +46 90 786 67 36

Jörgen Johansson - professor of Molecular Biology, MIMS

Expert area and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
He has worked in the same research environment as Emmanuelle Charpentier in previous years. He does not work with the technology itself, but with something similar.

He is currently collaborating with Charpentier in such a way that he has made some applications for research funding together with her. They also have common research ideas together.

Maréne Landström - professor/chief physician Department of Medical Biosciences

Expert area and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
Researches aggressive prostate cancer and how it can be counteracted at the cellular and molecular level. Uses CRISPR-Cas9 technology to genetically modify zebrafish and study the role of a specific proteins in prostate cancer tumors that become invasive and can spread throughout the body and cause metastases.

Phone +46 90 785 24 58

Maréne Landström
Professor, senior consultant (attending) physician

Sun Nyunt Wai - professor of medical microbial pathogenesis, member of UCMR and of MIMS. Mentor of the young group leaders

Expert area and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
Scientific collaboration with Emmanuelle Charpentier and mentoring of PhD students in the Emmanuelle Charpentier lab.

Phone +46 70 509 9430

Researchers in plant biology

Stefan Jansson - professor, Plant Physiology and Umeå Plant Science Centre

Area of expertise and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
His research revolves around photosynthesis, how seasonal changes affect physiology, and forest genetics. He is also involved in the GMO debate. He works with CRISPR-Cas9 technology, can tell about how it can be used in plant breeding and what the legislation in the area looks like.

Phone +46 70 677 23 31


Researchers in ethics and CRISPR/Cas9

Christer Nordlund - professor of History of Science and Ideas, and director of Umeå Studies in Science, Technology and Environment

Expert area and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
History of technology, environment and science, Medical Humanities Network

Works with the research project Opportunities and risks with CRISPR-Cas9: Cultural and ethical perspectives on the new genetic engineering

Phone +46 70 741 27 40

Madeleine Hayenhjelm - senior lecturer in philosophy

Expert area and relationship to Emmanuelle Charpentier
Medical Humanities Network

Opportunities and risks with CRISPR-Cas9: Cultural and ethical perspectives on the new genetic engineering

Madeleine Hayenhjelm
Associate professor


Latest update: 2025-03-19