Vibrational Spectroscopy - User Licence Course (2 ECTS)
Introduction to the usage of FT-IR spectrometers and microscopes as well as a Raman microscope. 12 - 16 November 2018 at KBC, Vibrational Spectroscopy Core Facility.
Instructor: András Gorzsás,, Manager of the Vibrational Spectroscopy Core Facility
Introduction to the usage of FT-IR spectrometers and microscopes as well as a Raman microscope. The course covers applications from biology and medicine to chemistry and physics, such as high-throughput transgenic screening, chemical imaging of biological tissues, surface sensitive measurements of minerals, and the analysis of compositional changes in a range of materials from bacteria to semiconductors.
Aim of the course:
To provide the users the necessary knowledge to safely operate the instruments of the Vibrational Spectroscopy Platform on their own, without supervision. The instruments include FT-IR spectrometers and microscopes as well as a Raman microscope, and the course covers applications from biology and medicine to chemistry and physics, such as high-throughput transgenic screening, chemical imaging of biological tissues, surface sensitive measurements of minerals, and the analysis of compositional changes in a range of materials from bacteria to semiconductors.
Users should be able to demonstrate during the course practice that they are able to perform measurements safely in order to gain their Licences. The Licence enables the user to book the instruments online and pay a reduced user fee (covering only the running costs of the instruments themselves) when measuring themselves without the assistance of the Platform Manager. The licence will be valid until retraction and while working within UmU and SLU in Umeå.
Level: PhD / Postdoc
Language: English
Qualifications required: Affiliation to UmU or SLU in Umeå with preference given to KBC group members. A limited number of spots are reserved for external (non-UmU/SLU) users.
Dates: 12 - 16 November 2018
The Registration is closed.
Frequency: Once in every semester, if there is interest (a minimum of 6 people)
Maximum number of participants:
15 people / course, of which a maximum of 3 people/course are external users. Because of the limited capacity your application is no guarantee that you will be accepted. We will select from the applicants if there are more than we have available slots for. This selection is based on your motivation,and how much you are planning on using the Vibrational Spectroscopy Platform. In addition, if you have already applied before and have been left out, you will have preference this time.
Course layout:
Day 1 Theoretical background: Infrared (FT-IR) and Raman spectroscopies. An introduction to the techniques, their short historical developments, their basis on molecular vibrations, symmetry, and the spectra-structure correlations. Full day, lectures.
Day 2 Different measurement techniques: diffuse reflectance infrared, attenuated total reflectance infrared, Infrared microscopy (single element and focal plane array (FPA) detectors), Raman spectroscopy and microscopy, including imaging (raster scanning and streamline). Advantages and limitations, usage and capabilities, capacities. Full day, lectures.
Day 3 Software for infrared (OPUS) and Raman (WiRE) spectroscopy. How to perform basic spectral manipulations, such as baseline correction, normalization, spectral substractions, etc. Available automation in forms of macros. Additional data handling, including exporting spectra to Excel, extracting spectra from images, image manipulations (integration methods, etc.). Common artifacts and errors. Full day, lectures.
Day 4 FT-IR spectroscopy practice. Each participant should perform all of the following: 1) single spectra diffuse reflectance measurement; 2) automated carousel diffuse reflectance measurement; 3) attenuated total reflectance measurement. Participants should have hands-on experience to learn how to safely operate the instruments, to recognise the problems that can arise during measurement and perform simple troubleshooting. Full day, laboratory practice, in groups of 3 people at a time per instrument (parallel groups)
Day 5 Raman spectroscopy and microscopy, FT-IR microscopy practice: Each participant should perform all of the following: 1) single spot single element measurement; 2) multiple point single element measurement; 3) FPA measurement; 4) Single spot Raman spectroscopy measurement; 5) Raman raster scanning measurement; 6) Raman Streamline measurement. Full day, laboratory practice, in groups of 3 people at a time per instrument (parallel groups)
Days 4 and 5 start with laboratory safety instructions and platform rules and general policies.