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About the Chemical Biological Centre (KBC)

KBC is a part of Umeå University and of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)


The Chemical Biological Centre (Kemiskt Biologiskt Centrum, KBC) is an interdisciplinary centre for basic science-oriented research in life/natural sciences, technology, medicine and forest sciences at Umeå University (UmU) and the Swedish University for Agricultural Science (SLU). KBC is an international environment represented by more than 50 nationalities. Since its start in 2007, KBC is now established as a valuable resource for coordination and support of 16 important technical platforms/infrastructures which are available to all scientists at Umeå University and SLU.


In the mid 1990th, the chemistry and physiology buildings (kemi- och fysiologihusen) were connected by a new building. One of the ambitions with this was to strengthen the research in the interface between chemistry and biology. In 2006 the evaluation of the future organization of chemistry in Umeå "Molekylärt samspel" suggested a reorganization of chemistry linked to the recruitment of new professors, also including other departments within the KBC complex. To support this development the university has appointed a KBC group led by a scientific coordinator. The task for this group is to promote a positive and creative environment for research, graduate- and undergraduate teaching. The aim is to develop KBC into a world-leading research and teaching environment.

Goals and Mission

KBC was initially formed as a structure to coordinate activities aimed at nourishing contacts between scientists working in the new KBC-building. Over the years, the activities of KBC have developed into a project that embraces a large part of the research activities within the field of basic research-oriented life sciences at UmU and SLU, Umeå. In addition to representatives from all departments located within the KBC-building, the KBC board now includes representatives from IceLab, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics/TEC-Lab, Department of Physics, Umeå Centre for Microbial Research (UCMR), Laboratory for Molecular Infection Medicine Sweden (MIMS) and, the most recently added representatives from the Department of Integrative Medical Biology (IMB) and Umeå Centre for Molecular Medicine (UCMM), which are parts of the newly formed Medical Biology Centre (MBC) located next to the KBC building.

The mission of KBC has been simple and straightforward: to increase contacts and stimulate interdisciplinary collaborations between scientists working within the field of basic-oriented life sciences in Umeå, to support and organize technically demanding and expensive research infrastructures, and to spread information about this strong research environment at Umeå University to the outside world. KBC’s focus is to serve the researchers' needs for doing high-class research in fast-developing fields.

The KBC Environment/Organisation

KBC affiliated departments and collaborative partners

The KBC Environment today includes all departments located within the KBC building and affiliated departments at other locations on campus. It also includes research centres, research units and centres of excellence at Umeå University (UmU) and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). Three faculties and two universities are represented in KBC. All participating departments and research units as well as affiliated members are represented in the KBC Group, the board which is coordinating the research and infrastructure activities at KBC. Read more about KBC departments and partners here.

KBC Services

There are two different structures located in the KBC building that provide services to the departments and researchers: the KBC Group (KBC board) including the KBC Communications office, and the KBC Service Centre. The KBC Service Centre is funded independently from the KBC board but collaborates tightly with the board and the KBC Communications office. Read more about KBC Services here.

KBC reports

Archive of the KBC reports -2019.

KBC report 2019 (Appendices including Description of KBC Infrastructures): KBC report 2019.pdf (1.6 MB)

KBC report 2016-2018 (main text and appendices including Description of KBC Infrastructures): KBC report 2016-2018.pdf (2.5 MB)

KBC Report -2016: KBC Report 2016.pdf (3.1 MB)

More information about organisation and services at KBC

KBC departments and collaborative partners

KBC comprises several departments from three faculties at UmU and SLU.

The KBC group

All departments and research units within the KBC environment are represented in the KBC Group (KBC board)

Services at KBC

Read more about the services offered at KBC

KBC Communications Office

For all issues regarding communication, please contact the KBC Communications Office

KBC Service Centre

KBC Service Centre gives support to all people, employees and visitors, at KBC

Voices from KBC

Voices from KBC 2022

Information flows, the research infrastructures are important and the “we-feeling” is growing stronger at KBC.

Latest update: 2024-12-11