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The Center for Transdisciplinary AI, located at Umeå University, is dedicated to advancing the field of artificial intelligence through interdisciplinary collaboration for the betterment of society. Our objective is to establish a platform and community for AI research at Umeå University that prioritizes "AI for The Good of All."

Focus areas

The research focus areas at TAIGA are overseen by coordinators from the humanities, arts, behavioral and social sciences, medicine, and technology. The activity is headed by Frank Dignum, computer science professor.
AI in Health and Medicine

Cutting-edge human-centered techniques to solve current problems.

Understanding (and explaining) AI

Understanding AI development, control, and implementation.

AI Management

How to pursue AI management in practice.

Embodied Interactive AI

Developing the future of human-centered interaction.

AI and Art

AI and social-political, geo-political, ethical and aesthetic challenges.

Critical, Ethical, Legal, Social AI, (CELS-AI)

AI in light of ethical, legal, and societal values and expectations.

Social Artificial Intelligence (SAI)

Human-centered and socially aware AI systems.

Education and AI

Pedagogical perspective on the use of AI systems.

Kontakta oss

Eva Mårell-Olsson
Associate professor
Veronica Pålsson
Other position, project coordinator
Anna Lindström
Project administrator
Latest update: 2023-10-18